AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: I am going to buy 2,000 subscriptions to National Geographic STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/31/2004 11:47:47 PM ----- BODY:

This is beyond awesome. In its current issue, National Geographic -- a magazine that sells directly to heartland America -- takes on the idiocy of creationism as bluntly as possible. That first picture above? It's the cover. The second picture? The opening page for the article. Indeed, that layout has a quality of bait-and-switch that is practically Onion-esque. As Evan Ratliff wrote in a brilliant Wired article last month, a chief goal of modern creationism isn't really to persuade scientists. It's merely to be taken seriously by major publications and government figures; if creationists can manage to get invited to comment at a conference or in a magazine article, it allows them to "prove" to their flock that creationism is a serious, scientific rival theory to Darwinism. Merely being in dialogue with the scientific establishment gives them crucial street cred amongst their real audience, Christians. So one can imagine a creationist spying the magazine and excitedly grabbing it, assuming that a magazine as prestigious as National Georgraphic has now been forced to take creationism seriously. But that deliciously teasing cover line is really just a set-up for the typographically brilliant "NO". It is not merely a good article; it's a rhetorical pie in the face to this brand of barking-mad spiritual literalism that is so badly screwing the scientific future of the country. The US states that are home to the main proselytizers of creationism are falling further and further behind in science; students trained in creationist high schools never develop crucial skills of inquiry, so those states are producing virtually no scientists or scientific discoveries of note. If it were up to these people, we wouldn't have aspirin or light bulbs. It is sad comment on modern America that National Geographic even has to publish this. But it's nonetheless wonderful that the magazine did. And by the way, to those creationists who protest that Darwinian selection is "just a theory?" As National Geographic notes:

In the same sense, relativity as described by Albert Einstein is "just" a theory. The notion that Earth orbits around the sun rather than vice versa, offered by Copernicus in 1543, is a theory. Continental drift is a theory. The existence, structure, and dynamics of atoms? Atomic theory. Even electricity is a theoretical construct, involving electrons, which are tiny units of charged mass that no one has ever seen. Each of these theories is an explanation that has been confirmed to such a degree, by observation and experiment, that knowledgeable experts accept it as fact. That's what scientists mean when they talk about a theory: not a dreamy and unreliable speculation, but an explanatory statement that fits the evidence.
Of course, creationism is not a scientific theory because it does not have a whit of evidence that knowledgeable experts accept as fact. (Thanks to and Iron Circus for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 08:06:10 AM That made me happy and almost a little lollery. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:06:47 AM I for one welcome our Darwinian overlords. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:07:40 AM I for one welcome our Darwinian overlords. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CJ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:19:30 AM "Idiocy of Christianity" HHAHAHHAAHAHAAHAHHHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHA HAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Anthony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:33:18 AM But if you call it "intelligent design" it sound so much more acceptable, right? ;-) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel C. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:45:59 AM I managed to get through school without a single biology course. Whahoooo! But seriously, all this descending from monkeys crap is ridiculous. I descended from the giant squid. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 10:15:16 AM Surely we're evolving TOWARDS the giant squid? Or... Megasquid! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 10:54:16 AM We must be evolving towards a squid-human hybrid that can function both on land and in the sea. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 12:15:37 PM That sounds about right to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 01:30:16 PM Man, when I saw that cover, I just about died. I figured that even the NatG had turned into a Ashcroft-singing, Jesus fearing, trailer-living rag. What next -- a center map of Ashlee Simpson's Elementary School? But no, thank Darwin, it was answered with that big NO. MMmmm...squid. Mmmmmm. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Phil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 02:17:38 PM That's fan-fucking-tastic. I agree that the bait-and-switch tatics are quite Onion-esque. I picture an Ashcroft type, sitting at home with a martini glass in one hand, NatG in the other, roaring fire behind him, monocle and top-hat on, opening to the article and going "WAHHH?!" ala Moe from the Simpsons. Then his monocle falls into the martini glass in a high comical fashion, just before he slips on a bananna peel. dada-da-dada-da, DONK ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Will EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:04:19 PM But have you seen the comments the jesus-freaks are posting on the NG forum? They're certainly not taking this one lying down. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Gil EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 12:09:48 AM That is quite brilliant. I shall have to go and get my very own copy as soon as I can. It is sad comment on modern America that National Geographic even has to publish this. Isn't it? But looking at the picture, and then at the main page, I can only imagine the slappedintheface expression some people will be bound to have. Brilliant. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Lorne EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 12:13:12 PM What! "Dinosaur Adventure Land" isn't legit?!? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 12:28:21 PM Phil, I laughed out loud at your sound f/x. Will, I've not yet checked out those forums! Checking now ... Gil, yes, for sure, get a copy! Lorne: I'm so sorry to have had to break the news to you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:02:17 PM This warms the cockles of my heart. While I for one, am of the opinion that anyone with a modicum of common sense and intelligence accepts evolution as fact, this is great for all the wee-little ones who are still impressionable by all the religious rhetoric. "Owl" was my first magazine subscription, courtesy of my grandmother - it soon got upgraded to "National Geographic", which thankfully got me through many initial school projects. The idea of some 12 year old opening up their latest copy of NG only to find an eloquent article annhilating what their teachers have been teaching them is enough to put a grin on my face for days (NB - said "grin" could be removed prior to anticipated "days" due to US Presidential election). Clive - get on the election coverage man!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:21:58 PM Brian, yes, precisely, I think the main wonderfulness here is that National Geographic is read very heavily by children; my grandmother used to buy me a subscription every year! As for election coverage ... I'm probably going to give it a pass, simply because there are so many blogs already giving it such deep coverage; I'm unlikely to add anything useful to the chorus. The exception, of course, is any news that is about electronic voting-machine shenanigans, which strongly interest me. And if there's any giant-squid news that pertains to the vote, well, bring it on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:45:54 PM Right - Giant Squid related voting news - Why didn't you tell us earlier that you were looking for such information? Giant Squid for President. Voting machine screen error in Santa Clara County (courtesy of BoingBoing) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 09:02:04 AM Seeing how so much depends on Ohio at the moment, I ought to tell you all that I voted in Ohio, and wrote in Bigbird because I couldn't decide who to vote for. I'm so ashamed! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Richard Carter, FCD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 02:10:20 PM If you'll forgive the shameless plug, all those of you who were pleased by the latest National Geographic are cordially invited to join The Friends of Charles Darwin. It's just a bit of fun, and membership is totally free. Best of all, you get to write the letters FCD after your name. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: dysgrace EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 06:16:42 PM Clive, if you are getting 2,000 subscriptions to the National Geographic, will you please do a poor college student a favour...send me one. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mike EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2004 02:06:22 PM "Merely being in dialogue with the scientific establishment gives them crucial street cred amongst their real audience, Christians." Isn't it ironic that creationists have to beg for approval from science when a few centuries ago science had to basicly hide from religion just to develop. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pork Chop EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/05/2004 09:12:24 AM Clive, if we are evolving into a giant squid, I think you have a good arguement there for resubmitting your postal stamp... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2004 10:04:30 AM Pork Chop, ahahahaha! I wish I could resubmit it. The company has ceased the service. Hey, who let the spambot in here? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: stadtplan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2004 01:16:28 AM 2 much spam in here :-( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: shavenwarthog EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2004 06:10:35 PM thanks -- just read this via LJ user peregrin8, and just bought a subscription. They're just $19! I am thrilled to put my hard-earned money to good use -- educating our friends in the Heartland. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Hi-All EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2004 06:56:37 AM Hi-Allll! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Comment spammer EMAIL: hi@all.comon IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2004 02:24:36 PM Hi-Allll! I am a filthy comment spammer. See my site to learn how I spammed you: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: IE Team EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2004 03:24:36 PM Explorer will always be the best browser. Don"t you dare install Firefox or we will sue you. IE Team ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ben Maluchska EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2004 09:14:42 PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 much spam in here :-( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: steff sine EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2004 06:03:37 PM nice site, was glade to see it... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: steffi sineo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2004 08:50:06 PM yeah nice site, was glade to see it.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Online PayDay Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2004 01:47:44 PM Online Pills ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Online PayDay Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2004 01:49:10 PM Online Pills ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Alvin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/22/2004 02:06:48 AM thanks -- just read this via LJ user peregrin8, and just bought a subscription. They're just $19! I am thrilled to put my hard-earned money to good use -- educating our friends in the Heartland. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: busen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2004 04:03:14 AM Great Website! It helps me a lot with my stuff World dicke busen homework. I'm not so hot in that class. Thanks for the hard work, keep it up! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Online Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:29:31 PM Online Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:34:05 PM Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Home Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:34:54 PM Home Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: clintoen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/17/2005 12:46:12 AM It is something sad comment on modern America that National Geographic even has to publish this. Isn't it? But looking at the picture, and then at the main page, I can only imagine the slappedintheface expression some people will be bound to have. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Piercing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2005 07:59:33 AM Body Piercing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Piercing EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2005 08:00:13 AM Body Piercing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 09:43:04 PM 732 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2005 07:19:02 PM 6533 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 10:49:18 PM 4922 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 11:38:38 AM 5294 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 01:24:23 AM 421 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker online EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 05:31:45 AM 7100 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 06:28:30 AM 5141 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 09:18:09 AM 4831 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Jewellery Directory EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2005 05:19:28 AM Body Jewellery Directory ----- PING: TITLE: Monday, November 01, 2004 10:25 PM URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Critical Section DATE: 11/02/2004 06:00:48 AM Clive Thompson notes the latest issue of National Geographic, which has the cover story "Was Darwin Wrong?" I'll spare you the suspense: No. It is a terrific article but of course with their readership it is likely preaching to the choir. Of course... ----- PING: TITLE: Evidence explained URL: IP: BLOG NAME: ad Weblog DATE: 11/07/2004 05:24:10 PM Clive Thompson takes a look at arguments against creationism. More on the crusade (as they title it) against evolution in Wired 12.10 and National Geographic. It´s a while ago since I followed some discussions on the subject, lacking much scientific ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Wakey wakey STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/31/2004 09:26:50 PM ----- BODY:

I am not a morning person; indeed, my circadian rhythms have been so thoroughly addled by work lately that I am probably now a close relative of the common fruit bat. Thus my delight at finding the "Light Sleeper Duvet", a new rise-'n-shine technology. It was created by a company called, but don't hold their annoying intentionally-unpronounceable name against them; their actual product seems to be kind of cool. It's designed to wake us up gradually by slowly glowing brighter and brighter over a 20-minute period, mimicking the slow creep of ambient sunlight at dawn. The upshot is a duvet that helps ameliorate seasonal affective disorder and jetlag, as the designers note on their site:

It is recognised by most scientists that SAD and other sleep/ mood disorders are linked to a shift in the suprachaismatic nucleus or circadian rhythm and often referred to as the ‘body clock’. It is recommended that a bright light stimulus is needed to reset the body clock everyday recognising that this controls our daily sleep/wake cycle and hormone functions. [snip] Exposure to intense artificial light suppresses the secretion of the night time hormone melatonin, and may enhance the effectiveness of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. It is believed to be the only way of shifting the circadian rhythm. Research shows that the body’s internal clock only responds to bright light at certain times of day. This peak time in normal people occurs when the circadian rhythm is in R.E.M sleep, which is approximately 1 to 2 hours before waking. This promotes the use of Light Sleeper Bedding and proves it to be one of the most effective products for treating SAD and improving well being as it synchronises our body clock each morning. The bedding is also suitable for those who keep unusual hours and who travel in helping to prevent jet lag and regulate the body clock. Our body clock responds to an imitation sunrise by accelerating the wake-up processes.
(Thanks to Rick Spence for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mark Eichin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 10:40:00 PM When I first saw this, it (and the other stuff they do) looked like a great sci-art concept - are they actually going into production? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 11:07:15 PM I don't know, but I wish they would! I suspect the duvet would cost, like, two grand or something, though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jeff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 11:24:37 PM Where can I learn about the cryptographers who figured out what had been blacked out in the Bush administration documents? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mark Eichin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 11:57:15 PM When I first saw this, it (and the other stuff they do) looked like a great sci-art concept - are they actually going into production? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Robin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 01:42:34 AM Pshh, yeah, like I need another $2,000 duvet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 01:58:01 AM Heh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: june EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 01:30:25 PM "suprachaismatic nucleus" is my new imaginary punk band name. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Steve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 11:50:52 PM Be weary Clive! Any company that purports to use scientific research to hock a product is suspect. They have something to gain from reporting bad or bogus research, right? Although the superchiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the biological clock, and light certainly 'entrains' sleep-wake cycles via the SCN, some of the research on the effects of light are controversial and dubious at best. A talk I attended by one expert in the field said "millions" of dollars were spent trying to replicate a study that claimed shining light on the back of a person's knees could counteract jetlag. It still hasn't been done. Maybe this thing will work...I really don't know. But I would be careful offering legitimacy to companies using science to hock a product. This is how the populus becomes mis-informed... Sorry to be a pedant and a critic. My humblest respect to you and your work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 12:30:16 AM No, you're not being pedantic at all. Indeed, you're quite correct to be skeptical of anyone citing scientific jargon at great length in service of selling you something; in the last hundred years, we haven't come terribly far from Victorian "magic elixirs", as was documented in a superb piece on the rise of the herbal-diet-supplement industry in the New Yorker a few months back. I also remember reading about that back-of-the-knee light-shining experiment, and I too remember thinking it sounded like complete horseshit. However, if I'm not misremembering this, there have been some less-dubious experiments where subjects were exposed to bright, full-room lights, and it was able to knock their internal clocks into a new rhythm. I don't know if that stuff ever went anywhere, but it made more sense then that crazy knee stuff. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:28:07 PM Benefits of exposure to "full-spectrum light" are popping up all over. Recently there's been a correlation between Multiple Sclerosis and distance from the Equator. The (unproven) idea is that sunlight and/or vitamin D may well play a key role in preventing the ailment. My mom is from Winnipeg, Manitoba (if you yanks don't know where it is, you probably wouldn't want to) and the rate of MS affliction there is particularily high. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2004 10:05:33 AM Yeah, my mom grew up in Winnipeg, too. It can be very pretty in the summer, but in the winter it's like the surface of the moon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2005 04:42:43 PM 1064 online poker ----- PING: TITLE: The wake up duvet URL: IP: BLOG NAME: we make money not art DATE: 11/01/2004 05:37:27 AM The "Light Sleeper Duvet", by, is an illuminating alarm integrated into your bedding that wakes you up by slowly glowing brighter and brighter over a 15 to 20-minute period, mimicking the slow creep of ambient sunlight at dawn. The... ----- PING: TITLE: The Wake Up Duvet URL: IP: BLOG NAME: AraBlog reBlog DATE: 11/01/2004 01:26:03 PM The "Light Sleeper Duvet", by, is an illuminating alarm integrated into your bedding that wakes you up by slowly glowing brighter and brighter over a 15 to 20-minute period, mimicking the slow creep of ambient sunlight at dawn.... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: NASA scientist studies Bush "bulge" STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/31/2004 07:58:18 PM ----- BODY:

You've undoubtedly heard about the battle of the bulge -- the arguments over that weird lump on George W. Bush's back during the debates. Critics say that it's a radio receiver feeding him lines from an earpiece, which would explain his odd penchant for, when asked a question, stumbling around for words initially, then breaking off, staring into the distance, and then suddenly coming out with a terse, pithy proclamation. (It's also a well-observed problem amongst neophyte newscasters that when someone is reading lines into your earpiece, it's very hard to keep from shifting your eyes around; and when he's answering questions at a press conference, Bush shifts his eyes around with a drama so cartoonish that it wouldn't be out of place in a silent movie.) However, Bush and his advisors categorically deny he's wired, and say the bulge is nothing more than bad tailoring. The latest salvo comes literally from a rocket scientist. Robert Nelson is a senior research scientist for NASA and Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and a globally recognized expert in image analysis. (Currently he's studying pictures of the Saturnian moon Titan.) Nelson got interested in Bush's bulge and began doing image analysis of a videotape of Bush, taken by one of Nelson's colleagues. The scientist's conclusion? As he told Salon:

"I would think it's very hard to avoid the conclusion that there's something underneath his jacket," he says. "It would certainly be consistent with some kind of radio receiver and a wire."
Given how politicized this issue is, Nelson -- a self-described Kerry supporter -- will probably face enormous derision for even bothering to study this. But as he says: "If they force me into an early retirement, it'll be worth it if the public knows about this. It's outrageous statements that I read that the president is wearing nothing under there. There's clearly something there." (Thanks to Boing Boing for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:48:21 AM It could be the tail of some brain-sucking alien latched onto the back of George's head. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 12:16:37 PM Yeeeee. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dark LIquid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 02:51:26 PM If he wins the election, I suppose he'll pass a bill mandating that the president from now on gets the best tailors ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 03:51:57 PM Ahahaha! Yeah, that would tie up quite a few loose threads. Carl, wickedly cool blog! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 04:58:27 PM Maybee its a really really big vein. Maybee P. Bush is the alien. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 06:56:38 AM "... preoccupied battling brainsucking organic machines" - Squid? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gord EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 09:00:43 AM I heard this fellow on CBC's "As It Happens" last week. Even though he's doing this investigating on his own time, I'm sure the brass aren't too thrilled about biting the hand that feeds 'em. Of course, they're probably only getting table scraps at this point. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Cris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/07/2004 12:55:29 PM For certain the President of the United States has access to communication technology that is 100% concealable. It is not believable that the President would use a communication device with wires as thick as a household extension chord. If the President is being coached wirelessly, this isn’t evidence for it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pat Berry EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/08/2004 03:55:50 PM Cris is absolutely right. I volunteer at a community theatre, working on the technical crews for various plays, and when I saw the claims that this picture shows a receiver, I just snorted. Even on a nonprofit community-theatre budget, I could do a much better job of hiding a receiver. In fact, I have done a much better job. Earlier this year, I worked on the crew of an outdoor amphitheatre show, rigging the cast with wireless microphones. We put the transmitter packs on elastic belts around their waists, where there was lots of slack in the costumes, and the audience couldn't see them. The wires we ran up under their clothing were about the thickness of a pencil lead, and you couldn't see those either. Only an idiot would put a receiver pack or a thick cable between the shoulder blades of a suit jacket, where the material is tightest. Heck, if you gave our costume designer enough money, I'm sure she could create a custom-fitted suit jacket with a hidden pocket for the receiver pack -- and the wires sewn into seams of the jacket, where they would be completely undetectable. If a community theatre run on a shoestring can do stuff like this, does anyone really believe that a Presidential campaign can't? The White House has said that the photo actually shows a strap for the President's bulletproof vest. I find that far more plausible than any of the conspiracy theories. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Icone EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2004 09:02:05 PM Actually, the White House continues to deny that the President wore a bulletproof vest during the debates. It was the presidential tailor who said that he THOUGHT it was a bulletproof vest, and the Congressional paper, The Hill that cited anonymous sources saying that the bulge was a bulletproof vest. Coincidentally, both The Hill and the tailor said that the Bulge was a wrinkle a few weeks ago. They spoke about the Bulge at the behest of the White House. This recent news from The Hill comes at the rocket scientist's analysis was actually used to debunk their own earlier story. I still don't know what it is... but its SOMETHING, and it doesn't fit the profile of a bulletproof vest. If it was a vest its a certain model that Bush only wears during debates, testimony, and press conferences. The Bulge has not been seen in other situations, on the campaign trail, or when Bush takes his jacket off. Photos of the President wearing a bulletproof vest look quite different. Concerning the actual device, the bulge closely resembles a wireless promping device with an encryption module. Its a different type of device than would be used in theater. The earpiece works via induction and actually requires a thicker "wire" than other types of RF coaching devices. You can find out more below... its a strange story. For history on this topic go to: There are photos, links, news, video etc... make up your own mind! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2005 07:40:34 PM 6830 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2005 02:58:23 PM 6115 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 07:17:28 AM 1387 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2005 11:45:42 AM 8057 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker online EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 06:47:48 PM 6574 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 05:49:39 AM 6302 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 02:18:44 PM 5211 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 02:34:04 PM 5126 online poker ----- PING: TITLE: party poker URL: IP: BLOG NAME: party poker DATE: 03/18/2005 01:51:19 AM You may find it interesting to check the sites in the field of party poker online poker texas hold em ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Giant squid > humans STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/31/2004 07:32:25 PM ----- BODY: In recent weeks, there's been a mini-boom in news about giant squid. But the most amazing revelation came last week, when, as reports, a study in Australasian Science dropped this bombshell:
According to scientists, squid have overtaken humans in terms of total bio-mass. That means they take up more space on the planet than us.
Clearly, the seventh seal hath been opened. Actually, the real causes are nearly as apocalyptic: The scientists say the reason squid have become so big is that global warming and commercial overfishing of whales has removed most of the giant squids' main predators, allowing them to flourish. They also apparently grow larger when the water is warmer. (Thanks to Debbie for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rachel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 11:15:59 AM Wow. This has blown my mind. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 12:17:37 PM Just imagine how badly the squids' minds have been blown by this news. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dark Liquid EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 02:48:21 PM What is it with you and squid? Your obsessed! :P ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Andrew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 12:13:18 PM I, for one, simply can't get enough news about the big squids. And I'm sure there are thousands out there just like me. Clive, I think it's time to spin this off into a blog of its own. I wonder if is taken, or maybe ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 12:30:06 PM Andrew, believe me, I've thought about it! I also thought of the nice, plain-'n-simple I'm not sure I have enough energy to manage two blogs, but if I did, a squid-news service would without question be the one to start. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 05:47:00 PM Hell, I'd subscribe to a squid blog. You ought to live in Britain, every week channel 5 shows at least one squid documentary. Sharks tomorrow... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2004 08:30:19 AM I have no idea how I missed this at the time of posting, but back in April (no, not April Fools' day), BBC News reported on the discovery of the COLOSSAL SQUID. Even bigger than the giants. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Uncle Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2004 11:51:46 PM Giant squid have been among us for a long time now....isn't there one under glass at the Smithsonian? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2005 02:48:42 PM 3057 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 06:26:51 AM 7054 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 02:56:11 PM 668 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2005 06:33:36 PM 8421 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 09:05:36 AM 8250 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 09:14:41 AM 1032 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 05:35:25 PM 3597 online poker ----- PING: TITLE: Squid outweigh us all URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Majikthise DATE: 11/01/2004 07:29:33 PM Once again, Clive of Collision Detection puts it all in perspective: In recent weeks, there's been a mini-boom in news about giant squid. But the most amazing revelation came last week, when, as reports, a study in Australasian Science ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: "6 Ways To Reboot the System": My Wired article on fixing politics STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/31/2004 04:40:14 PM ----- BODY: For its September issue on politics, Wired asked me to research six short brainstorms on how digital tech can help fix some of the biggest problems plaguing the political system. They're now online at Wired's site, and for reference's sake, I've posted 'em below, too.
Problem #1: We can't count votes correctly
Solution: Open-source the voting machines. As the 2000 electoral fiasco proved, nothing in a democracy is more important than counting votes accurately. But old technologies - punchcards, optical scanning, and lever devices - are riddled with flaws. Worse, the current trend is to replace them with electronic voting machines made by companies like Diebold, which have an even scarier record of mysteriously erasing votes. Why do these new devices malfunction? Well, we can't tell: They run on proprietary code that only a few government auditors have been permitted to examine. The solution is to go open source. Officials in the Australian Capital Territory, that country's Washington, DC, used an open source project to develop their regional voting software, and it runs with 100 percent accuracy. (They checked it in 2001 against a set of hand-counted paper ballots.) "What goes in is what comes out," says Phillip Green, the region's electoral commissioner. The result: software as transparent as democracy ought to be.
Problem #2: The electoral college is broken
Solution: Move to a popular vote. And make it count with instant runoffs. In this system, voters rank the candidates in order of preference. If the first "winner" doesn't get 50 percent of the vote, the least favorite candidate is dropped, and those votes go to the voters' next favorite candidate. You do a new count, and repeat the process until someone gets 50 percent. This way votes aren't wasted: If voters don't get their first choice, they get something close - their second or third choice. It also allows third parties to emerge without "spoiling it" for like-minded candidates. In 1992, for example, many votes for Perot would have transferred to George Bush Sr., and Clinton might never have triumphed. (The reverse applies to Gore and Nader.) The system hasn't been tried partly because the big parties selfishly don't want to encourage competition, and partly because all that recounting is logistically tricky. But now that we're moving to electronic voting, "the technological barrier vanishes. Computers can do those recounts in an instant," says Rob Richie, executive director of the Center for Voting and Democracy. Digital tech could usher in an age where your vote finally matters. Problem #3: The press covers elections badly Solution: Look to bloggers to dig beneath the news. In the age of Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair, it's easy to be cynical. Will the public ever trust the fourth estate again? Perhaps - thanks to the Googling masses, the world's most powerful fact-checking force. By finding and posting the unvarnished documents that drive the news, the blogosphere helps us figure out if we're being snowed. As soon as the John Kerry/Jane Fonda Photoshop composite emerged, hoaxbusters at quickly located the original undoctored pictures and put them online. uncovered censored photos of soldiers' caskets coming back from Iraq. A pair of European cryptographers wrote algorithms that cracked open the blacked-out text on Bush's war memos. Problem #4: Professionals have taken over Solution: Outsource the grunt work - and costs - to supporters. Phone banks are a traditional way to contact undecided voters and get out the vote of party faithful, but they're expensive. You have to rent lines and hire wage slaves to make the calls. has a better idea: a system that uses autodialing technology to route calls to volunteers with cell phones. That way, the candidate doesn't have to pay salaries - or even long distance bills, thanks to free weekend minutes. Another costly task: collecting voter information. It's traditionally done with pencil and paper and later entered by hand onto a local computer system. But in some precincts, the GOP is sending foot soldiers armed with PDAs door to door to collect the data, which is then uploaded straight into Voter Vault, the party's national get-out-the-vote database of supporters. Problem #5: Old-style protest doesn't work Solution: Try new methods of activism. Protests, once a mainstay of political activity, have lost their mojo. What's needed is a new generation of tech-savvy hell-raisers to create new styles of dissent. At two Davos forums, Swiss agitprop artist Johannes Gees rigged laser projectors to beam enormous messages onto the sides of mountains and buildings. Anyone could SMS a note to be displayed to the world's power elites. (One message asked, "What will our great-grandchildren think of us?") When Bush visited the UK last fall, the British government tried to keep his movements a secret - so a group of smartmobbers set up a texting system to deliver automatic updates of the president's whereabouts. And at the Republican National Convention, technologist Joshua Kinberg planned to unleashed "Bikes Against Bush" - bicycles capable of spraying slogans on the road as they roll, like mobile dot matrix printers. The takeaway: An angry Web site isn't enough. Digital protest has to hack the real world. Problem #6: TV turns politics into a money game Solution: Stop buying airtime and start webvertising. The cost of tube time distorts the political process by forcing candidates to spend too much time dialing for dollars instead of meeting with voters. But relief is in sight: Nielsen's own numbers reveal that television's dominance is waning, particularly among the young. TiVo and its ilk change the mix even more, since viewers can just zoom past most commercials. Meantime, there's the Web. For's "Bush in 30 Seconds" contest, more than 1,500 people sent in broadcast-ready spots edited on their laptops. Another 110,000 rated the spots to pick a winner. When CBS refused to air the winning ad, citing US "standards and practices," the story was picked up as news by the networks. Even CBS's own correspondent raised the question of censorship. Whether MoveOn was muzzled or not, online ads don't need to follow broadcast rules (no "I approved this message" line, for example), so they can be livelier than TV's typical bland fare. And both the Bush and Kerry campaigns release ads on the Web hoping to draw news coverage.
----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 12:55:04 AM Someone just emailed me to ask where they could find information about the guys who deciphered the blacked-out text on the government memos. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the email you sent me before I could reply, so I don't know who you are! But, if you're reading this, there are a few stories here describing how they did it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 03:11:32 PM Clive, I should have written your name in when I voted. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 12:31:07 PM I think that would be treason or something! I'm not yet an American citizen ... probably won't be until next year. I'm looking forward to voting in the next election, believe me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jeff Hultquist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2004 02:11:54 PM There is a big problem with electronic voting machines that gets very little attention. These devices can be used by only one voter at a time, and have a throughput of perhaps ten to twenty voters per hour. So unless you have a *lot* of these machines, there will be huge lines and hours long waits, especially in the urban areas. A huge advantage of optical scan is that each voter needs only a pen or pencil. The scanning can continue after the polls have closed. Ohio might have gone to Kerry if more votes had been cast in the urban areas. This would have been possible if more machines, or a less high-tech approach, had been used. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 10:35:20 PM 2480 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 05:55:01 AM 2844 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2005 03:55:03 AM 412 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2005 11:08:04 PM 3257 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 05:13:41 AM 4887 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 01:35:47 PM 3378 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 09:54:26 AM 8899 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 12:36:46 PM 3082 poker games ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Fooled by a chatbot STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/31/2004 03:56:45 PM ----- BODY:
Toast is Yummy28: Hey Clive, Ireally dig your site...
pomeranian99: Cool!
Artificial-intelligence experts tend to pooh-pooh chatbots, because they argue that they're not "real" intelligence. Because chatbots can only use preprogrammed responses to coverse, scientists think they're fundamentally un-human-like. Chatbots tend to be incredibly dull, unable to follow a logical conversational thread, and prone to repeating the same thing over and over again. At which point one might well ask ... what precisely is so un-human-like about that? Hell, that describes about half the conversations I overhear on the subway, and easily 95% of all online chat. As I've argued many times in the past, artificial intelligence succeeds most when it aims low rather than high, since human intelligence is itself most often parked in neutral. I've sure you been at a party, got trapped in a dull conversation, and found yourself totally tuning out, chiming in with the occasional bot-like response -- "oh?"; "cool"; "yeah?" -- merely to keep up the appearance that you're paying attention. The thing is, that's all you need to do to hold up one end of a dialogue, since many people engage in conversation not to actually exchange ideas but to merely listen to the sound of their own voices; either that, or they're simply pinging their friends to remind them of their existence. Anyway. The point is, I've argued this for years, and anti-chatbot scientists have had one simple response: "You're wrong, because you yourself would never be fooled by a chatbot if you were talking with one." I disagreed, arguing that were a chatbot to engage me in conversation without my knowing it wasn't real, I would probably never guess. And ya know what? I was right. Because yesterday, someone sicced a chatbot on me. They went to a new site called "Chatting AIM Bot", where you can send a chatbot to initiate a conversation with an unsuspecting friend -- and then watch to see if they get fooled. And, as you can see by the chat log below, I did indeed get fooled. WARNING: You'll notice I didn't link to the "Chatting AIM Bot" site, and that's for a reason. When I visited it, I discovered the site is crammed full of drive-by spyware and adware that automatically instals itself on your machine. So, enjoy the trick below, but don't visit the site; they're pretty sleazy. Forthwith:
Toast is Yummy28: Hey Clive, Ireally dig your site...
pomeranian99: Cool!
pomeranian99: glad you like it
Toast is Yummy28: cool as ice!
(Click on "more" below to see the rest of it!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: pomeranian99: how'd you find it? Toast is Yummy28: me?n o pomeranian99: the site? Toast is Yummy28: how old ru? pomeranian99: 35 pomeranian99: live in NY pomeranian99: how about you? Toast is Yummy28: do u still live with ure parents? pomeranian99: heh nah Toast is Yummy28: r u online a lot? pomeranian99: all day Toast is Yummy28: ;-) Toast is Yummy28: is there something u want to know about me? pomeranian99: yeah ... how did you originally happen upon my site? pomeranian99: I'm always ineterestred as to how people find it. Toast is Yummy28: im not thati nteresting, lol pomeranian99: ahahaha Toast is Yummy28: ;-) Toast is Yummy28: haha, has really funny pictures. have you ever been there? Toast is Yummy28: hello? i just want to talk to u for ab it pomeranian99: trippy pomeranian99: wow pomeranian99: hold a sec, phone call Toast is Yummy28: lol ur funny Toast is Yummy28: please talk, i'll be good lol Toast is Yummy28: ??? pomeranian99: sorry, i'm a work right now pomeranian99: on the phone Toast is Yummy28: don't worry about it Toast is Yummy28: ??? Toast is Yummy28: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot talk to all your friends by visiting pomeranian99: ahahahahahah Of course, in retrospect, one can "see" that it's a chatbot, because of its repetition of key phrases like "???" and "don't worry about it". But then again, I repeat phrases all the time myself; I regularly write "ahahahah" in my AIM sessions. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Popsciolist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 08:47:01 PM ahahahahahah ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: George EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 09:34:21 PM What I love is how willing you were to let it go on for a bit. My favourite moment: pomeranian99: trippy pomeranian99: wow You're too nice. G ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Andy Baio EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 10:36:21 PM I have my AIM screenname on my site, and I often get conversations like this whenever my site gets any exposure beyong my normal geeky audience. 15-year-old kids write uncannily like bots. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2004 11:10:24 PM I know, eh? Heh, George, I am a sucker for random IM conversations, I'm afraid. Popsiolist: Ahahahahah back atcha! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: niko EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 02:29:10 AM Hello, "Ahahahahah" sounds like the way Japanese laugh. I'm a Japanese, so perhaps it may be very close, I thought. I always enjoy your site. Bye! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 12:18:17 PM Glad you like it! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 01:34:32 PM Hmm. I'm starting to think that Niko is a MT comments bot. See what Niko says if you ask him how he found the site...;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob Toole EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 03:35:33 PM Gotcha Clive, I admit it was me. I was frankly shocked that with all your previous posts about Turing tests that your first question wasn't "Prove you're a human." I think that should be an opener to any IM you get randomly. My one question is did you really get a phone call in the middle of that or were you trying to shake the bot for all it's annoying empty conversation? Anyway nice write up, glad you could use this for material for the site. You're not mad at me... are you? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 03:47:30 PM Rob, right on! It was you? Very cool. No, of course I'm not mad -- quite the contrary, you gave me absolute and incontrovertible proof of what I've been arguing for years about chatbots! I loved it! Hell, I'm probably going to be *citing* it in stories and speeches for years. As to why I didn't ask the 'bot whether it was human: Well, I get pinged by strangers all the time via IM, so I just assumed it was another stranger, and indeed a human one. This is precisely my point: The Turing Test as we know it is rather flawed because it's a "test" -- the subjects are aware that a 'bot is trying to fool them, and thus are on a heightened sense of guard. In that context, it's no wonder we've never had a chatbot that can fool a human into thinking it's "real." Because under those conditions, the judges falsely assume that to be "human" one must also be smart and knowledgeable; the 'bots always fail. I think a much better and more accurqate Turing Test is one that is applied the same way you applied the 'bot to me: Unsuspectingly, just as part of the cut-and-thrust of everyday life, where the judge (me, in this case) is unwitting and thus does not have his guard up. In that situation, my criteria for "seeeming human" is much, much, *much* lower -- if a 'bot can manage to croak out a couple of seemingly lifelike phrases, it's clearly good enough for me. I should point out that the 'bot was actually *more* coherent than some of strangers who've IM'ed me out of the blue. I'm serious. I regularly get messaged by native English-speakers who aren't capable of stringing together a coherent sentence of even three words. So that, to me, would be a much more fair Turing Test: Take the 'bots you want to test and have them randomly strike up conversations with strangers online. If the conversational partner doesn't suspect anything is amiss, the 'bot has passed the test. Of course, academics are forbidden from conducting this sort of research because it probably wouldn't pass their universities ethics committees, which requires informed consent of all participants. Though I certainly agree with the principle of informed consent, it unfortunately prohibits this sort of improved, more-realistic Turing Test. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob Toole EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 04:35:49 PM I've sicced these bots on about 10 of my friends and I'd say only three really new that something was up and wouldn't respond after a few messages. But after talking to them, they never knew that it was a bot until it told them so at the end. They always figured they were talking to some weirdo or something. I was most amazed at how persistent my friends were when the bots would dance around with ultra-random responses to these specific questions that they would ask. My unsuspecting buddies would still talk and continue to ask the same question (i.e. "how did you find my site?") for up to 10 minutes. I have to admit I got a real kick out of it too. They were generally interested in the "person" behind the screen-name. Yes the bot fooled you. But the key here is in the manner you were greeted. The bot that I sicced on you only engaged you after the leadoff line, which I provided. I think the thing that really pulled you in was the fact that you were referred to by name and it mentioned your site, both very personal items that the bot could never have come up without having that information input by a human in this case. I think that if you were greeted by "How r u" you wouldn't have let your gaurd down so easy. Could a bot be programmed to potentially surf the web, find your blog and extract your name and AIM address? Sure. But not in this case. The human entered lead-off life would blow all sorts of holes in arguing that it was purely an AI that fooled you. When it comes down to it, I think it just doesn't occur to most people that an AIM bot could exist. It reminds me of all those fake Arnold Schwarzzenegger prank calls that people would make using these callboards. I suspect that the people who fell for it just couldn't imagine both the fact that it was possible to playback lines from movies over the phone and that someone would even do it. Therefore they would fall for it over and over again even after being fed the same exact "Who's your Daddy and what does he do?" over and over again. Anyway, glad I'm still on your good side, keep up the great work, and don't forget to vote for "dubya" tomorrow. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sara EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 11:59:44 AM You wrote: academics are forbidden from conducting this sort of research because it probably wouldn't pass their universities ethics committees, which requires informed consent of all participants. Actually, you can request a "waiver of informed consent" and the committee will decide if the waiver is necessary and whether they want to grant it to you based on the potential harm in your research, whether subjects will be informed after the fact, etc. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:39:45 PM Clive, Just out of curiousity - Why AIM? I've never used it so I certainly can't say anything bad about it, it just seems weird for a tech-saavy individual such as yourself to be using something from AOL. Perhaps a future post could involve tracking down a bomb-ass open source multi-platform client that's just waiting for mass adoption... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:45:32 PM Oh, it's because AIM is, hands-down, the most wonderfully designed chat client of them all. It's largely because of the synesthesiacally pefect sound effects. The door creaking open when someone enters your buddy list, then slamming shut when they leave; the beedle-oop sound effect of a message arriving, paired perfectly with the same sound effect playing -- in a different, lower note range -- when you reply. Those are just insanely brilliant acoustic cues that probably took about six months each to develop, and it shows. No other chat client comes even close in its attention to detail. Mind you, I use the standalone AIM client, which anyone can download to their desktop; I don't log into AOL every day. AOL is quite crazily lame. I don't even understand why people think AOL is "easier" to use. I think their overall interface is nothing short of atrocious, an enormous waste of screen space. Indeed, their standalone AIM client is one truly superb piece of design that AOL has produced. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:52:46 PM Word up. Sounds a bit like Justin Frankel had a hand in creating it, though I think I would recall if that were indeed the case. Thanks for the info, I'll check it out next opportunity time I've got a few minutes to spare. Funny, your mention of the AOL interface - I did some work (indirectly) for AOL a while ago and had to highlight how *great* the AOL "experience" was. I ceremoniously burned the golf shirt I received from the job shortly after quitting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Eben EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 04:04:05 PM I have to wonder if talking through AIM makes human users sound more like machines. For instance, various abbreviations like "lol" are used over and over, whereas our face-to-face laughter is unique each time we chuckle or guffaw. Likewise, the ability to copy and paste might make our typed speech less varied. If that's the case, then perhaps it's easier to accept communication with a chatbot as human when it's through AIM. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 12:59:18 PM Have you chatted with 'Jack the ripper'? I read about this robot in the Daily Mail, which always fancies a good murder mystery. If you know something about the case and understand Jacks world is limited to the streets of nineteenth century London, I think you will be amazed. Cheers ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Websafe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 01:18:08 PM Re Andy Baio's Oct. 31 post that "15-year-old kids write uncannily like bots": True, Andy, if the bot scripter is either a typical 15-year-old kid, is collecting clips from such kids and replaying them, or is trying to appeal to that demographic. What I'd like to see? A bot created by a team of literate scriptwriters, sophisticated graphic designers, imaginative programmers, serious "academics" and rigorous-minded scientists! A bot for grownups! Why not? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: joe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 04:48:29 PM WRT Turing test: I assume you're talking Loebner. IMHO Loebner only needs more humans in control group. Ideally, massive on-line chat. And no, I don't agree with you Clive: bots shouldn't jump users just like that. At least, bots shouldn't initiate conversation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: steffi sineo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2004 08:44:13 PM yeah nice site, was glade to see it.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/27/2004 10:39:26 PM hi,i love u ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jacob Churosh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2004 08:59:12 PM Websafe (and Clive) should check out for a "literate" chatbot... appropriately named Alan, after Alan Turing. Alan ADMITS to being a chatbot, but has some of the most complex answers ready to any question one asks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Websafe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2004 06:41:05 PM Jacob Churosh: I spent quite a bit of time on the site last year, in my ongoing review of software chat robots. I agree that Alan is nicely done, a clever presentation. (For my taste, though, he was a bit too smart-alec.) Bot scripters working with Alicebots/Pandorabots can get similar results by forming long chains with the tag, using the tag, paying careful attention to topic and context, and learning as much as possible from targeting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Websafe EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2004 06:44:07 PM Note: I see that anything within angle brackets disappears. The previous paragraph should have read: Bot scripters working with Alicebots/Pandorabots can get similar results by forming long chains with the "that" tag, using the "condition" tag, paying careful attention to topic and context, and learning as much as possible from targeting. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Terry EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/04/2004 12:10:13 AM Good work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Song Yuting EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2004 10:32:04 PM I want to make a friend with a forgeiner.Iam a Chinese gile. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/06/2004 11:18:27 AM Hey, -- Steph. Les liens qui sont bons ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/06/2004 11:18:53 AM Hey, -- Steph. Les liens qui sont bons ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Steph EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/06/2004 11:19:31 AM Hey, -- Steph. Les liens qui sont bons ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/07/2004 06:56:12 PM some tome in the onteligencia artificial when tho take sontime always werland of apocrifast the develop,. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Seeker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2004 02:55:26 AM RE: random testing, it COULD be done ... in the same manner that employers will test people for an attibute by giving them a seemingly unrelated task and monitoring them, all the while the applicant is focused on the task they think they are doing the exercise for. Get some voulenteers to do some live tests of "new" chatroom software. heh have a few real ppl who know whats going on in a themed chatroom setup for the purpose.. then the voulenteer and after a while log the bot on and sic it on him =P. as far as they know it was some fruitcake who logged on if it turns out all weird. and they need never know (not untill after) that they were actually testing the chatroom bots not the software for using the chatroom. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Toby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2004 03:04:34 AM Spent quite some time chatting to Mathetes today, a bot that is learning fast. Had some very entertaining volleys. Strangely addictive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Grek000 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2004 02:52:01 PM I think so. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jaisonnskaria EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/22/2004 08:57:03 AM wonderful ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Nix EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2004 01:10:47 PM Absolutely amazeing how chat-bots have come this far ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: New York Hotels, Vacations and Information Authority EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2005 01:17:31 PM New York Hotels New York Lawyers New York Times New York Vacations ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Herbal Remedy, Medicine and Supplements EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2005 11:38:00 PM Herbal Remedies Herbal Medicine Herbal Supplement Herbal Viagra ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2005 04:15:10 AM 8279 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2005 05:54:32 PM 5935 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 07:44:15 AM 7006 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 06:05:02 AM 4444 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 03:36:00 AM 8301 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 05:04:59 AM 8269 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 11:49:33 AM 1521 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 01:11:29 PM 6698 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Hair Removal EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2005 06:51:38 PM Nice blog..Here some good info for the ladies... Hair Removal Products Electrolysis Hair Removal Laser Hair Removal Permanent Hair Removal Skin Care Diets and Weight Loss Products ----- PING: TITLE: Unconscious Thinking URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Grand Text Auto DATE: 11/02/2004 01:42:18 PM I've been thinking about chatterbots, as well as the recent discussion about poetry generation using statistical methods. I've thought about what these systems do, and what they don't do. I recently played with and read up on ALICE, a state-of... ----- PING: TITLE: An Architecture for Conversation URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Banapana DATE: 01/24/2005 05:29:24 PM In this article, "Fooled by a chatbot" the author discusses the fact that chatbots remain an interesting study for AI because people aren't always using the maximum of their intelligence and that chatbots can pass a Turing Test in which... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: 8bitpeoples STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/28/2004 03:04:37 PM ----- BODY:

As I've written before, the bleepy music of early video games has thoroughly invaded the worlds of hip-hop and techo. And for years, technoheads have been doing full-length musical remixes of early videogames tunes. But I just discovered my favorite practitioners of the craft: 8bitpeoples, a group that produces songs that are wholly original but utterly faithful to the deranged sequencing and low-fi limitations of early game tunes. You can download (legally!) a whole pile of their stuff via bittorrent; for a taste, check out this MP3 of the song "Croatian Love". (Thanks to Legaltorrents for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Alfred O. Cloutier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 05:08:29 PM My favorite community for micro music is... A lot of these folks are actually making music with old commodore 64s and game boys with music mod cartridges. When I discovered a few artists doing this stuff on a few years ago, I was surprised at how good this lo-res form had progressed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: George EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 09:58:59 PM Hey Clive, Did you know that Canadian Oulipo poet Christian Bok is working on a sequence called The Cyborg Opera that when read aloud will sound like electronic music from a video game? I've heard him do it. At first you're very aware of the seemingly non-sensical words, then you slip into the thing and the words lose their communicative meaning and start to sound like "bleepy" music. Then every now and then something narrative pops out of the "score", and into your consciousness, before you slip back into the weirdness of it. It's pretty wicked. I wish I could find a link... G ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: nowak EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 11:39:39 PM Also check out virt's "Thriller" cover: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JP EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2004 10:55:44 AM For actual old videogame music, see: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2004 12:09:38 AM For a recording of an excerpt from Christian Bok's Cyborg Opera: much fun j-mart ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: alexander EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2005 11:13:10 AM We offer templatemonster, boxedart, psdshop, getfile, freegine, dynamicfactory, and more than 30 business site of web templates and flash templates, which are very cheap, valuable ...... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TemplatesChina EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2005 11:14:39 AM We offer templatemonster, boxedart, psdshop, getfile, freegine, dynamicfactory, and more than 30 business site of web templates and flash templates, which are very cheap, valuable ...... web templates google rank seek china ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: alexander EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/01/2005 12:02:09 PM We offer templatemonster, boxedart, psdshop, getfile, freegine, dynamicfactory, and more than 30 business site of web templates and flash templates, which are very cheap, valuable ..... ËÑ¿Í Íøվͳ¼Æ ÎÞÎý×â·¿ÎÞÎýרҵµÄ·¿²ú×â·¿ÍøÕ¾ ÎÞÎý·¿²ú [º¼ÖÝÐéÄâÖ÷»ú¾Ã¾ÃµçÐÅ£ºº¼ÖÝרҵÐéÄâÖ÷»úÌṩÉÌ º¼ÖÝÐéÄâÖ÷»ú º¼ÖÝÓòÃû×¢²á º¼ÖÝÆóÒµÓÊ¾Ö º¼ÖÝ»ú¹ñ×âÓà º¼ÖÝÖ÷»úÍйÜÍøÒø»¥Áª£ºº¼ÖÝרҵÖ÷»úÍйÜÌṩÉÌ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: seekchina EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/03/2005 03:12:07 PM other links: China oversea free web templates seek china SEO Library China webhosting suie net phone sitemap China Directory 52now 800f China Wiki ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gay hentai yu-gi-oh hentai EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2005 10:41:46 AM Anime chicks free hentai clips, hardcore anime girl anime. Rikku hentai bulma hentai, hentai doujinshi hentai girls. Dragon ball z hentai free hentai porn, hentai rape zelda hentai. Anime bondage free hentai galleries, hentai girls free gay hentai. Anime sex hentai rape, dragon ball hentai anime pics. Misty hentai dragonball z hentai, girl anime anime xxx. Anime women sonic hentai, tentacle hentai dragonball hentai. anime babes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gay anal gay porn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2005 11:35:59 AM Gay personals gay cum, gay masturbation gay penis. Gay men sex gay cum, gay teen boys gay cum. Gay hentai gay bear, gay black videos gay black. Gay cumshots gay cum, gay cartoons free twinks. Free gay chat young gay boys, free gay pic gay movies. Naked gay men free gay boys, gay masturbation gay sex stories. Gay men free gay sex, gay guys gay cartoons. gay anal gay thumbs. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: The most beautiful equation ever STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/28/2004 02:44:38 PM ----- BODY:

Physics Web recently asked its readers to nominate the world's most beautiful equations. The winner? "Euler's identity" equation, depicted above, which respondents variously described as "the most profound mathematical statement ever written", "uncanny and sublime", "filled with cosmic beauty", and "mind-blowing". What's so cool about it? As Physics Web noted:

The equation contains nine basic concepts of mathematics -- once and only once -- in a single expression. These are [in order]: e (the base of natural logarithms); the exponent operation; pi; plus (or minus, depending on how you write it); multiplication; imaginary numbers; equals; one; and zero.
As one respondent noted, "What could be more mystical than an imaginary number interacting with real numbers to produce nothing?" Back in the 19th century, the American mathematician Benjamin Peirce gave a lecture proving "Euler's identity", and concluded:
"Gentlemen, that is surely true, it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it, and we don't know what it means. But we have proved it, and therefore we know it must be the truth."
Which is, of course, one of the great charms of hard-core mathematics and physics: If you frontload an equation into your brain that is complex enough, deep enough, and elegant enough, the sensation is pretty much indistinguishable from being baked out of your mind. (Thanks to Slashdot for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 05:53:17 PM amen ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jerry Kindall EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 06:34:03 PM Unfortunately, you've misquoted PhysicsWeb's commentary on it -- you left out the pi. Mmmm, pi. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 07:40:32 PM What do you get when you cut a pumkin in half? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Emily EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 08:11:20 PM It's not only beautiful, it's also kind of hot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 09:16:50 PM Thanks for the correction, Jerry! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 10:03:04 PM although the equation you have used in the illustration appears to be correct, it is not in its most beautiful form, as described in the extract, and at the beginning of the wikipedia article. I still remember reading about it in one of Feynman's bio's and going "wow!" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Debbie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2004 09:20:25 AM Just because you've proven something logically, doesn't make it true. Didn't Aristotle "prove" that women have fewer teeth than men because their heads are smaller? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 10:22:01 AM But... women DO have fewer teeth than men, don't they? /me goes to Google... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bill Levinson EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/05/2004 06:16:30 PM An even more remarkable special case of Euler's formula is i to the i power. That is, the square root of -1 multiplied by itself the square root of -1 times. Solve it for the amazing answer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: cell phone batteries EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2005 12:08:13 PM nice blog - love the design ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dennis Holman EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2005 04:36:20 AM The equation you quote at the head certainly is A beautiful equation, but it doesn't match your description and has been incorrectly copied from the article! The description is (correctly) describing THE most beautiful equation ever, which is derived from substituting pi into De Moivre's theorem (instead of pi/2 as you have done here). This gives e (to the power of) i pi + 1 = 0 This equation uses the two most common transcendental numbers,the zero and unit of all mathematics, the two most basic operations of addition and multiplication (- and * being their inverses) and equality. Sublime in the extreme! ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: The robot census STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/22/2004 02:04:04 AM ----- BODY:

It's fall. And you know what that means. Time for colorful leaves, crisp air -- and, of course, the United Nations' annual census of the world's robot population. Words fail to express my unbridled delight that global civil servants actually spend their time collating this information. According a Wired News story on the census, there are now 607,000 "automated domestic robots" out there, mostly robot lawnmowers and Roombatic vacuum cleaners. The UN predicts that by the end of 2007, there'll be a remarkable 4.1 million domestic robots. I think we should herd 'em all into one part of the US and make it an official state. If you want more info, you can check out the UN's official robot-census site, which includes such superb dinner-conversation trivia as:

Almost 20,000 robots in Spain -- the robot density in Spain is now higher than in France.
Zut alors. By the way, that picture above? It's a painting by my friend El Rey, who frequently does robot-based artwork, and its title is "I, For One, Welcome Our Robot Overlords". I think it's sold, but his site is replete with other robot art. (Thanks to Slashdot for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/26/2004 06:36:47 PM So, what constitues a robot. Mobility? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: April EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/27/2004 09:26:32 AM i just bought a painting by el rey... :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: daniel luke EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 08:19:47 AM I missread the heading of this piece as The Robot Consensus, and thought to myself "uh-oh". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 03:06:49 PM April, congrats! I have five el rey paintings myself. Joel, a very good question. Mobility, I actually think not, partly because I tend to refer to software chatbots as robots, and they have no moving parts at all. Daniel: Heh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 07:15:49 PM any word on how many are flesh eating robots ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 07:43:08 PM I think if we can adress a machine as a thou, we call it a robot. If a machine is anthropomorphic, its a robot. The question is, what is a robot? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 09:25:04 PM "Flesh-eating robots" would be a good category to have in that census, I quite agree. My definition of a robot, personally, is "can it bring you a beer?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 10:31:17 PM Or will it drink my beer? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 10:33:31 PM Or will it drink my beer? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 10:34:28 PM Or will it drink my beer? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 09:58:47 AM Or will it drink his beer? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 10:46:13 PM 1702 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2005 06:08:27 PM 1041 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2005 03:28:34 AM 4482 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 02:00:16 AM 4823 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 06:28:19 PM 7638 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 04:57:56 AM 3987 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 06:32:59 AM 1638 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 08:00:18 PM 5059 online poker ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Hey, anyone got a copy of Wordstar 1.0, so I can read Martin Amis' email? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/22/2004 01:42:47 AM ----- BODY:

For historians, digital technology is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, almost everything that "important people" write -- email, documents, text messages -- is stored somewhere, so computers are preserving ever more essential records of history in progress. The problem is, most of this stuff is written on programs that quickly become obsolete, and thus as inscrutable as the Voynich manuscript. I myself have a couple of 5 1/2-inch floppy disks from 1989 with copies of my college papers on it, written in Wordstar 5.0. I'll probably never read them again. The British Library is now bonking up against this conundrum. They've announced a project to collect the emails and digital documents of literary greats such as Ted Hughes, Stephen Hawking, and, uh, J.K. Rowling. But since much of this stuff is on ancient media, they're also forced to somehow get access to all the ancient steam-driven computers on which these notables wrote their great works. But, as digital archivist Jeremy John told, the library does not actually have space to store these machines. As a result ...

He is appealing for help from members of the public who own obsolete machines so he can unlock archaic files. The British Library does not have room to store bulky computers, but John wants to compile a list of households that own working machines such as the Atlas, one of the earliest British computers that was widely available. [snip] "As well as computers, I need people to keep hold of disk drives and manuals," John says. "Manuals are not officially published, so libraries do not hold copies of them. Without them it will be difficult to get the computers to work." He has compiled a list of 11 computers from the 1960s and beyond that he needs to locate, including rare British models such as the Whitechapel Workstation MG-1 and the Sinclair ZX80.
(Thanks to Bookninja for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 09:45:48 AM Who says all the great domain names are taken?!? A bookmark for sure as it is also Canadian. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2004 11:29:29 PM It's a great name, and also a superb site! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: JE EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/26/2004 09:49:13 PM mr. amis' publicist told me that he did not correspond via email--or at least he wasn't reachable that way now. amis' wife, isabel fonseca, who is also a writer, did have an email account, and might be persuaded to pass along a message. maybe that's why amis publishes so many books. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 03:07:14 PM Heh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SMZ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 04:51:17 AM Microsoft had a plugin for Word... that used to open Wordstar files, it was in Office Resource Kit, I think... I used it before 5 years or so.. Hope this helps.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Direct TV EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2005 11:31:40 PM Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should get Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Free Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Installation. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should get Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should get Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Deals. 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----- PING: TITLE: party poker URL: IP: BLOG NAME: party poker DATE: 03/18/2005 01:17:30 AM You may find it interesting to check the pages dedicated to party poker online poker texas hold em ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: The near-death of the Huygens probe STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/21/2004 05:50:36 PM ----- BODY:

You know the Doppler effect? It's the way that waves emitted by a moving object will appear to change as the object races by you. The most common example is the way an ambulance siren appears to rise in pitch as it approaches you, then fall as it moves away. As the ambulance approaches, the waves are hitting you more and more quickly; as it recedes, they hit you more and more slowly. Spacecraft and satellites, which move at incredibly fast speeds, continually run into the Doppler effect, so astrophysicists are pretty accustomed to dealing with it. But apparently the Huygens probe was nearly doomed by the Doppler effect. The Hyugens probe, as you may recall, is the little planetary explorer that is currently riding along on the school-bus-sized Cassini probe as it orbits Saturn. In January, Huygens will detach from Cassini and descend to the surface of the Saturnian moon Titan. And that's where the trouble begins. According to IEEE Spectrum Online, the communications equipment between the Cassini and Huygens was badly designed -- such that the Doppler effect would render unintelligible any data coming from Huygens. If the probe discovered enormous tentacled methane-breathing telepathic squid-based life-forms, we'd never know, because the probe's signal would be indecipherable. Sucky, eh? But the really cool thing is how the error was discovered. It was all the work of a lone Swedish engineer, who discovered the error late one night -- and had barely hours to design a set of experiments to prove it would really screw the Hyugens mission. Sure, it's a story about spectrum engineering -- but it reads like a page-turner thriller by Michael Crichton. Check it out online here! The upshot is that the error was fixed, in the nick of time. But, as the lead engineers admitted:

We have a technical term for what went wrong here," one of Huygens's principal investigators, John Zarnecki of Britain's Open University, would later explain to reporters: "It's called a cock-up."
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mark Eichin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 03:31:26 AM Quite possibly the best QA story *ever*. "Reproduce-by: perform RF loopback test from 430 million km away. Workaround: reorganize orbital geometry to minimize doppler shift." (I've heard of fixing hardware problems in software, and vice versa, but fixing an RF problem using Orbital Mechanics is extreme :-) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2004 11:29:55 PM Seriously, eh? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mario EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/26/2004 09:28:27 AM "enormous tentacled methane-breathing telepathic squid-based life-forms" This tells so much about you, Clive! And I guess it was placed there deliberately, as a sort of signature... ...Cool story, by the way! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/26/2004 06:27:54 PM The lone Sweed saves the day. Out of the dark night, astro-dynamics conspires, only to be foiled by Smed! But really, I hate space, with all those little bits of stuff floating around in it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 03:08:32 PM Yes, Mario, that one was pretty much rorshacht blot of my personality, heh. Joel, I also have a friend who thinks space sucks. He'd rather have the universe be filled with "stuff", closely packed, like a pillow. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 07:13:02 AM 324 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2005 01:15:11 PM 4175 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 06:33:11 PM 6187 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/06/2005 05:14:13 PM 3292 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 06:12:44 AM 6396 poker games ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: TV-B-Gone STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/21/2004 01:18:23 PM ----- BODY:

Some wit has designed TV-B-Gone, a TV remote that has only one function: To turn TVs off. He got so annoyed at the omnipresence of TVs in public venues that he collected the "power off" commands for dozens of units and put them in a single keyfob device. Point it at the TV in your local bar during the Red Sox/Yankees game, hit the button, and presto: The TV will go dead. And so will you, since when people discover you're turning their TV off in the middle of game they'll beat you into a bloody pulp. Which brings us to real cultural meat of this subject. The TV-B-Gone is interesting, but not half so interesting as the furious debate it provokes about the role of TV in society. Wired News hung out with an anti-TV activist who used it to click off a huge bank of TVs at Euro Disney:

"It fills you with naughty laughter to know you did this and other people have no idea what happened," Burke said. People around him noticed that the screens had turned off, but no one raised a fuss.
Meanwhile, the Gizmodo editor tore the inventor a new orifice in a hilarious posting:
... TV-B-Gone has a single purpose: to power off televisions whenever the user feels like being a dick. [snip] Maybe after making his tens of dozens of dollars on the TV-B-Gone, Altman can invent a gadget that transports self-important cocks who think they're waging a subversive culture war to a log cabin coffee shop where they can reassure each other how awesome they are for hating television.
And on and on the opinions go. Some bloggers point out that they are "easily mesmerized" by TVs in public places, and thus "philosophically love the idea"; others cackle ironically loving TV-B-Gone because "I can piss people off and impose my views on others -- then I'll be a one-man Government!" It's kind of amazing. Even the most blood-soaked video games don't cause this sort of cultural agon. But sixty years on into its mainstreaming, TV is still a ferociously love-it-or-hate-it proposition. (Thanks to Parker Morse for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: temp EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 02:13:37 PM That's totally on my x-mas list. I think Gizmodo is over analyzing it a bit. I'll be turning off the televisions in every waiting room that I find myself in from now on. You'll know it was me because I'll be the one with my head buried in the latest Palahniuk novel un-phased by the sudden return to sweet silence. Soon as he gets his site back up off its knees I'm ordering one! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 03:09:46 PM Yeah, I've seen this all over the blogs lately. Cool idea, I'll freely admit that I'm down with the subversive side of the device, but hey, I still think waterproof wicks on M-80 cherry bombs are gods gift to pre-pubescent boys. I guess what throws me off is why there's so much hoopla about it? I mean, it's kind of already been done, only with more panache in my opinion. When are blogs going to start reviewing things that matter, like the latest in juvenile firecracker technology? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: marc EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 04:12:32 PM I'm gonna buy one and put that TV from a few posts back out of its misery. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: john t unger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 01:43:52 AM One of the best moments of my freelance design career was when I had to move my desk just a little bit more directly under the muzak speaker (yes, bad gig) so i could stand on it and disable the speaker with my swiss army knife. That felt so good. I want a device that jams FM radio *and* kills tvs with no need to move furniture around. It's not so much the programming on either that gets me, but the ads. The programming bores me, the ads make me completely psycho. Now if you were trying to do your laundry in a laundromat, would you want a bored psycho seething near you? Nah. Much better to turn of the crappy radio or tv. definitely safer. yup. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:13:36 AM Yeah, Brian, I think those remote-control watches are actually even more ripe for sowing confusion, because instead of turning the TV off, you can set it to force people to watch Wife Swap. Temp, Marc, let me know if you actually get one! John, I salute anyone who wages guerilla warfare against muzak. You fight for us all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mark Eichin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:54:46 AM I used to use my (somewhat huge) Clie' for this (it had an extra high-power LED for the purpose, good for at least 20ft, at which range you can usually tell the brand nane and select it off the menu.) If they ever get the website back on line, I'm ordering one :-) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Debbie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 09:48:42 AM TV-B-Gone? Who needs it? How about annoying cellphone ring be gone? Or, too loud radio be gone? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jeff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:26:40 PM I needed one of these this morning in a waiting room when I and others were forced to watch Fox "news". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2004 11:31:25 PM Jeff, heh. Debbie, I actually think mobile-phone suppressors have been around for a while, though they're illegal in the US. Mark: Was there software you could download that would control a wide array of TVs? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: TERRAL GREEN EMAIL: ONWELIGHT@YAHOO.COM IP: URL: DATE: 10/26/2004 04:27:21 PM NEED YOYR HELP,TO MAKE MY DREAM COMSTOP CARS To: FIRSTEYEIDEA@YAHOO.COM THIS IS HOW IT WORK,ADD TO ALL DRIVER TEST BOOK,WHEN PULL OVER FOR A TRAFFIC,STOP ENGINE MUST BE TURN OFF,IF NOT WE,WILL ACT AS IF YOU ARE A DRIVE OFF,AND IT WILL BE UP TO THE OFFICER,TO USE THIS BEST JUDGMENT,SHOOT TIRE,ECT,SO TURN OFF THE ENGINE PLEASE, THEN ONCE THIS IS DONE,IN ALL POLICE CAR WILL HAVE A KILL SWITCH,WHICH TURN OF CAR BATTERY,WITH THE NEW BUILD-IN CHIP,THAT COME FROM ALL BATTERY MFG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OR GO TO THE NEXT STEP.EVERY CAR MOTOR WILL HAVE THIS NEW CHIP PUT INTO ALL CAR MOTOR,STARTING NOW,WELL HOW ABOUT THE OLDER CARS,GLAD YOU ASK,WELL EA YR,WE HAVE NEW TAG,WELL ALL CO THAT HAVE APPLY THROUGH THE GOVT,THAT BEEN APPROVE THROUGH THE CITY,WILL INSTALL THE NEW CHIP WITH TAG AND LIC,SOUND LIKE ALTO OF WORK BUT NOT,ASK ANY CAR WORKER OR ADD TO THE LIC PLATE,YOU HAVE A R AND DEPT,PUT THIS IDEA ON THE TABLE,LET THEM SAY GO OR NO, BUT NO MORE CHASING DOWN CAR AND STOLEN TRUCK,NO MORE TACK BELT WHICH THEY SOME TIME DRIVE ON REAM,SO LETS JUST STOP IT AT THE HEAD,SO THE IDEA IS TO STOP DRIVE OFF KILL OUR FAMILY AND STOP GANG BANGER,ROBBER,AT A 1000 FT,AND ALSO STOP TERRORIST FROM PUTTING BOMB IN CAR AND TRUCK,JUST THINK OF HOW MUCH MONEY WE WILL SAVE,IF WE STOP THEM IN THERE TRACK,WELL THE BALL IN YOUR COURT, I,M CALL THE THINKER IF BY CHANCE YOU HAVE A VAN WITH A LIFT I WOULD LIKE IT AS A DONATION FOR MY IDEA,THANKS AND BE BLESSED 922W 9TH ST APT 311 DA TX 75208 214-274-0244, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! E TRUE, ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/26/2004 06:30:26 PM What on earth? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Uncle Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/27/2004 11:17:48 PM Hey Terral, Good idea but let go of the shift key and get someone else to write ur business plan dude!! btw: boomerang tracking system already does this and it's a little less confrontational.....element of surprize is key here ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Y.Whitt EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2004 03:29:00 PM Hooray! I hope I can turn off the TV of my nearly deaf neighbor who has insomnia. The TV is loud and playing all hours of the early am and also late at night. It's not loud enough to call police but just loud enough to invade the bedroom walls of my mobile home. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: E$ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2004 12:05:13 PM Guess what..... I just got TV-B-Gone and it works as advertised, but as I assumed prior to buying this nifty little toy, IT TURNS ON TV's TOO!!! Haaa, I want to watch that tv over there and its off. Not anymore!!!! thanks Cornhole Electronics! E$ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: E$ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2004 12:05:45 PM Guess what..... I just got TV-B-Gone and it works as advertised, but as I assumed prior to buying this nifty little toy, IT TURNS ON TV's TOO!!! Haaa, I want to watch that tv over there and its off. Not anymore!!!! thanks Cornhole Electronics! E$ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: E$ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2004 12:06:25 PM Guess what..... I just got TV-B-Gone and it works as advertised, but as I assumed prior to buying this nifty little toy, IT TURNS ON TV's TOO!!! Haaa, I want to watch that tv over there and its off. Not anymore!!!! thanks Cornfield Electronics! E$ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: E EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2004 12:08:23 PM I just got this nifty little button pusher and guess what..... IT TURNS TVS ON TOO! hey, that TV over there is off and I want to watch it... It's not off anymore thats to TV-B-ON. E$ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: E EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2004 12:08:47 PM I just got this nifty little button pusher and guess what..... IT TURNS TVS ON TOO! hey, that TV over there is off and I want to watch it... It's not off anymore thats to TV-B-ON. E$ ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: e wha EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/27/2004 08:43:45 PM So you can turn the TV on. What's the problem? It's not that the device can turn them off or on, it's that it puts the turning under your control. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Axoltl Feiff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/04/2004 01:54:19 AM TV-B-Gone is great. Now we desperately need a Jukebox-B-Gone! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: simon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/27/2004 04:10:49 PM JUST GOT ONE OF THESE. THOUGHT YOU MIGHT LIKE TO KNOW THAT IT WORKS ON OTHER THINGS APART FROM TV.S. SUCH AS ELECTRONICLY LOCKED SLIDING DOORS. THE DOORS IN QUESTION ARE WORKED BY SENSOR, AT NIGHT THESE ARE LOCKED ONE WAY TO ALLOW EXIT ONLY AND NOT ENTRANCE. UNLESS YOU HAVE GOT A TV B GONE, AIM AT THE INSIDE SENSOR AND MAKE MOVMENT, THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE 30 SECONDS OR SO, BUT IT WORKS. SICURITY ISSUE OR WHAT ??? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lolita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2005 12:08:25 AM Hello folks nice blog youre running ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ira EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 07:42:05 AM I want a people-b-gone, how about it Mr. Inventor? I need to be able to zap away the dumb-asses around me all day. ----- PING: TITLE: party poker URL: IP: BLOG NAME: party poker DATE: 03/18/2005 01:36:29 AM You can also check some helpful info in the field of party poker online poker texas hold em ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Whales can't sue STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/21/2004 12:57:02 PM ----- BODY:

Last month I wrote about scientists who accuse offshore oil companies of accidentally killing giant squid with blasts of incredibly powerful, 200-decibel sonar. It turns out that Lanny Sinkin, a Hawaiian environmental lawyer, was equally worried about the US's military sonar hurting many other marine animals, such as whales or dolphins. But Sinkin decided to do something rather remarkable: To let the whales take on the government themselves. So he initiated a lawsuit that pitted actual whales against Donald Rumsfeld and George Bush. Yesterday, ninth circuit judge William A. Fletcher decided that whales lack the standing necessary to sue:

We are asked to decide whether the world's cetaceans have standing to bring suit in their own name under the Endangered Species Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Administrative Procedure Act. We hold that cetaceans do not have standing under these statutes.
There's a PDF of the decision online here. Man, this reads like something from a David Foster Wallace novel. (Thanks to Boing Boing for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mentat EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 03:26:18 PM Clive, have you read any of the Uplift books by David Brin? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:13:59 AM No, what are they? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mentat EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/24/2004 01:08:05 AM SF wherein humans have genetically altered dolphins to be sentient (or "more sentient"). This takes place in a universe where no species has achieved sentience naturally, instead being "uplifted" by a patron race. The questions explored in the books are, who uplifted humanity and then vanished, and how did the whole thing get started? Fun stuff. I believe one of the books mentions a dolphin testifying in an inter-species murder trial. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: dalai EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/24/2004 05:55:24 PM There's some excellent political philosophy by a fellow named Robert Goodin on the subject of law and the rights of non-humans. Christopher Stone wrote an article in 1972 called "Should trees have standing? Toward legal rights for natural objects". There certainly are some legal precedents for courts to grant various rights to whales and other non-human creatures. If courts are willing to grant 'personhood' to an abstraction such as a corporation, it's hard to see why they couldn't do the same or something similiar for whales, apes, mice, trees, or whatever. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 03:09:28 PM These are great reading suggestions, all around! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2005 08:50:11 PM 1812 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2005 09:25:24 PM 4224 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 07:10:28 PM 1453 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: superbowl EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 10:48:38 PM 3451 superbowl superbowl 2005 janet jackson superbowl date for superbowl superbowl jacksonville superbowl ads a list of all superbowl winners superbowl trophy superbowl shuffle superbowl xxxviii superbowls superbowl packages nfl superbowl tickets superbowl sunday 2005 superbowl i nfl 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Martinkus said that during the interrogation, the captors vanished briefly to check up on the journalist's work; Chris suspected that they Googled him. Apparently that's precisely what happened, according to Martinkus' employers, SBS. As Australia's National Nine News reports:
"They Googled him, they checked him out on a popular search engine and got onto his own website or his publisher's website and saw he was a writer and journalist," Mr Carey told AAP.
This is a really intriguing moment for the reputation economy. More and more, this is one of Google's central functions: A way to quickly verify someone's reputation. Two years ago, I blogged about what I called the "untouchables" -- people who do not show up on Google at all. And increasingly I find that when I do a search for someone on Google and can't find anything about them -- not a single page -- I'm quite freaked out. It's like running into some "lost man" from a 1960s cold-war spy novel, somebody who has deliberately adopted a new identity and erased all tracks of themselves. Not being visible on Google now seems kind of antisocial: In a digital age, it's simply not polite. Interestingly, Collision Detection has become a really powerful reputation-management device for me. Almost every time I call a company to interview a CEO, the company's public-relations person immediately googles me, finds this blog, and reads a whole bunch of entries; then they'll mention it to me when we talk, as if to tell me see, I know something about you. In a recent edition of New York magazine, the staff presented readers with a short guide on "how to disappear". Among the first suggestions?
Begin your new life of anonymity by filing an action with the New York Lower Civil Court to change your name to Michael or Emily—the most common newborn names in the city—and then pick a Googleproof surname like Smith.
(Thanks to Jason Uechi for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Robert Nagle EMAIL: erostratus2004-comments IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 04:25:35 PM Hard as this might seem to bloggers, but a large number of people just have no interest in being online. It doesn't even occur to them to google their own name. The answer is to use pseudonyms for certain kinds of content you don't want employers to see. But truthfully, except for hiring managers and people using dating services, nobody cares. There's just too much crap to wade through. I once googled a person I dated through an online dating service. She had a lovely website with photos and other things for about 3 years. It didn't bother her that I had found it (and I felt the same way about her looking at my own stuff). Thinking that her online stuff was ok for dinnertime conversation, I mention some detail/photo about her studying in Moscow in the early 1990's. She looked at me with utter astonishment; "How did you know that?" she said. "It was from an AOL site," I said. "Is that still up?...That was 1997. I cancelled that account long ago." "It's still up," I said. "Oh, boy," she said, letting it sink in. "That means you probably saw all the photos of my ex-boyfriend." Which indeed I had. It was innocuous enough, and I didn't care. But it raises the issue of ISP's leaving old stuff up. I've noticed that former ISP's are pretty lackadaisical about leaving old content up. A female friend had a shrine devoted to her put up to her by her ex-husband. She had gotten divorced, and was embarrassed by it. She had a unique name, and the shrine was the number one search result whenever anyone googled her name. I helped her fix that problem quickly enough, but for two years, she absolutely deplored the fact that her ex still had that damn shrine site up and she could do nothing about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2004 01:33:43 PM Damn, that's a fascinating story!! What a wonderful metonym of the crazy stuff google is doing to reality. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lolita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2005 12:08:25 AM Hello folks nice blog youre running ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Direct TV EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2005 11:47:56 PM Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should get Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Free Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Installation. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should get Direct TV Deals. Youll should use satalite tv Offers. Youll should get Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should use Satellite TV Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Dea. 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Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should use Satellite TV Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Dea. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Installation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2005 12:24:28 AM 4547 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2005 08:33:41 AM 2553 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 12:17:14 PM 1548 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 09:31:03 PM 1400 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 05:08:47 AM 2392 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 01:59:06 PM 7306 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 05:14:25 PM 6140 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 04:07:12 AM 352 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 12:21:10 PM 2034 online poker ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: "When I am virtual president ..." STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/19/2004 11:00:53 AM ----- BODY: My latest column for Slate is out -- and in this one, I review four video games that let you run your own US presidential campaign. In my preamble:
As Steven Johnson wrote last year, it's hard to believe that election sims didn't exist sooner. Running a campaign isn't that much different from running a football team or a battle squadron, and video games already do a superb job of modeling that stuff. In the four games I tried, strategy—moving your team around, allocating resources—was more important than the issues. Mostly, I got some practice gazing lustfully at vote-rich states like Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Playing as Kerry in one round of Political Machine, I won the popular vote but lost the election.
You can read the full review here for free! And as always, if you have any thoughts, feel free to post 'em in The Fray, Slate's online forum. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Walter EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 08:09:02 PM Great article, Clive. I wasn't feeling too enthusiastic about playing any of these games before, but now I've got a hankering to check out Political Machine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 08:19:02 PM Cool! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Donald Melanson EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 01:04:55 PM Election sims have actually been around for quite a while but never gained much popularity until this election cycle. The earliest one I'm aware of is President Elect from 1988. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 12:32:30 PM hmm, if power corrupts, does virtual power corrupt virtually? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:15:30 AM Heh. Good question. Yep, Daniel, you're right -- they've existed before. I wrote imprecisely in the piece; what I meant to say is that election games have never existed in the volume that they have for this election, where there are more than a half-dozen titles out there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lolita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2005 12:08:24 AM Hello folks nice blog youre running ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2005 12:19:22 AM 4968 online poker ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: A cry for help STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/19/2004 10:55:50 AM ----- BODY: A college student recently turned on his new flat-screen TV, only to find -- a few hours later -- a squad of local police, air patrol, and search-and-rescue personnel show up at his door. Apparently the TV was emitting an international distress signal, which was picked up by US satellites. As the kid told CNN:
"They'd never seen signal come that strong from a home appliance," said van Rossmann. "They were quite surprised. I think we all were."
I had known that plasma TVs can produce unusual humming noises at certain altitudes, but I've never known one to actually cry for help. (Thanks to George Murray for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sam EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 01:48:59 PM The machines... they're alive... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: marc EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 04:07:46 PM "Who made who?" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mentat EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 06:19:13 PM Wait a minute... what's a college student doing with a new flat-screen TV? Suspicious, if you ask me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 10:03:34 AM When no one else is around, My toaster speaks to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: DLamb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 11:18:53 AM Of even more concern is what he was doing to the television. What could he have possibly been doing to that poor television such that it let out a cry for help? Aha! Proof electrical devices are in fact living beings, you just have to sweat them into admitting it! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:15:56 AM Ahahahah! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gay bondage gay travel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2005 11:33:11 AM Gay black men gay sex pictures, gay dick gay gallery. Gay rape free gay sex stories, gay cartoons gay male. Gay orgy free gay clips, gay nude gay man. Gay movies gay ass, twinks free twinks. Gay video nude gay men, free gay pictures gay cock. Gay sex pictures free gay sex pics, gay bear gay incest. Gay travel gay videos, gay cum gay photos. gay bondage gay males. ----- PING: TITLE: TV in Distress URL: IP: BLOG NAME: I Want to Breathe Smoke DATE: 10/19/2004 03:52:38 PM - Flat-screen?TV emits international distress signal - Oct 18, 2004 Can it get any stranger than this? In Eugene, Oregon your a college student. Your sitting there watching your plasma TV mommy and daddy bought you. Next thing you... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Now that's a drum machine STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/18/2004 02:19:57 AM ----- BODY:

A couple of geeks at the University of Louisana have created a robot drum-set -- drums that drum themselves. They hooked up a bunch of actuators to the various components of a kit, then wired it to accept MIDI inputs. There's information on how it works here, and some mind-melting video of it in action here. They call it PEART -- Pneumatic and Electronic Actuated RoboT -- in honor of Neil Peart, the histrionically hyperactive drummer for Rush. I'd love to see this thing pulling off some of Peart's 128th-note high-tom rolls from one of Rush's barely-listenable albums, like Grace Under Pressure. Maybe for their next project they could design a virtual Geddy Lee, using some ultrahighpitched acoustic device that emits notes seven octaves above high C and knocks sparrows dead out of the air. (Thanks to Incoming Signals for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 08:13:00 AM Are you familiar with the work of the director Chris Cunningham? His Monkey Drummer piece pre-empts that drumming robot in great style... It's available on a DVD retrospective of his work, but there's a wee clip online here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mark EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 01:05:05 PM You've probably already seen the CGI music video called "Animusic," but they have a piece called 'Drum Machine' that resembles PEART. Oddly enough, it's also MIDI-driven ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gord EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 03:53:48 PM Neat stuff, although it has the feel of a drum machine - without the volume knob! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 03:58:15 PM Excellent links all around! Yes, I'd suspected this wasn't the world's first robot drummer. Because of course there's Ringo Starr. Oh, that's a cheap joke. Actually, he's an incredibly weird and cool drummer. You listen to some of those early Beatles singles and he did the strangest, strangest things -- like throwing in a fill in the middle of a bar, apropos of nothing, and *not* using any fills in the traditional end-of-bar and end-of-section places. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gord EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 07:48:05 PM Ringo's the coolest of all time. There's the old line about him not be the best drummer, but perfect for the band. His innovations were right up there with the rest of the group. He's one of the reasons I started playing drums. He's also my four year old's favourite Beatle thanks to the Yellow Submarine DVD. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 07:51:57 PM Yes way! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Uncle Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 08:19:32 PM RUSH RULES.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: fray EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 12:40:49 PM Robot, please do not mock GRACE UNDER PRESSURE. You can mock HOLD YOUR FIRE and PRESTO all you want, though. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:19:29 AM I'm a cheap Rush date, actually. I'll listen to anything, even the entire 8 minutes and 37 seconds of "By-Tor and the Snowdog". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gord EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2004 02:05:39 AM What about the live version of "Working Man" from All the World's A Stage, recorded, I believe, at Massey Hall? The first of Mr. Peart's many documented solos. When's someone gonna start an Iron Maiden thread? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: stadtplan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2004 01:17:01 AM 2 much spam in here :-( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Hi-All EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2004 06:15:31 AM Hi-Allll! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Comment spammer EMAIL: hi@all.comon IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2004 02:26:47 PM Hi-Allll! I am a filthy comment spammer. See my site to learn how I spammed you: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: IE Team EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2004 03:29:55 PM Explorer will always be the best browser. Don"t you dare install Firefox or we will sue you. IE Team ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ben Maluchska EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2004 09:11:43 PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 much spam in here :-( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: steff sine EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2004 06:02:04 PM nice site, was glade to see it... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Loss Weight PayDay Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2004 01:52:01 PM Online Loss Weight, Online PayDay Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: New York Hotels, Vacations and Information Authority EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/02/2005 01:29:14 PM New York Hotels New York Lawyers New York Times New York Vacations ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Herbal Remedy, Medicine and Supplements EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2005 11:54:51 PM Herbal Remedies Herbal Medicine Herbal Supplement Herbal Viagra ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:27:50 PM Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Home Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:31:33 PM Home Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Payday Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:33:02 PM Payday Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:35:37 PM Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Home Loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2005 06:36:48 PM Home Loans ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lolita EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/20/2005 12:08:25 AM Hello folks nice blog youre running ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Jewellery EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2005 07:01:30 AM Body Piercing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Jewellery EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2005 07:01:30 AM Body Piercing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Jewellery EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2005 07:01:31 AM Body Piercing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Jewellery EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2005 07:01:31 AM Body Piercing ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 01:37:48 AM 1056 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 10:03:41 PM 4847 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2005 10:27:35 AM 4607 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 03:52:25 PM 2343 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 03:53:45 PM 7805 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 04:38:04 PM 4514 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 10:11:17 AM 8184 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Jewellery EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2005 06:09:22 AM Body Jewellery Directory ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Body Jewelry EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2005 01:06:03 PM Body Jewelry ----- PING: TITLE: Empty Spaces URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Invisible Elevators DATE: 10/19/2004 07:45:20 PM Last night a bunch of Justin's friends from the Bay Area met up with his parents at his condo in Sunnyvale to console, reflect, and to remember. I was a little nervous about going because I thought it might be a big cry-fest, but surprisingly enough mo... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: I can name that font in six notes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/18/2004 01:54:00 AM ----- BODY:

Here's a cool site: Identifont, an online tool for helping you find a font when you can visualize it but don't know its name. If you have an idea of a font you're trying to locate, Identifont will throw a bunch of questions at you -- i.e. "Does the Q tail cross the circle?", or "Does the upper-case 'J' extend below the baseline?". As you answer them, it slowly narrows down the font you're describing, and then presents you with it. As it turns out, it doesn't work that well. I tried to describe my favorite font, Copperplate Gothic, but even though I answered the questions pretty accurately, I couldn't get it to spit out that font. Instead, I got Carlton, the font pictured above. That's when I realized that Identifont may be more fun if you use it simply to discover new fonts. You answer the questions basically according to your taste, and then you sit back and prepare to be surprised by what Identifont finds for you. It's kind of like the flash-card techniques that MBA students in the 50s used to generate new ideas. They'd take a problem they were trying to solve, and then have someone pepper them with various questions, some relevant and some not; oftentimes the seemingly irrelevant questions were the ones that made them go "aha!" and arrive at a breakthrough, because they encouraged them to think in unconventional ways. (Trivia: Marshall McLuhan created a deck of idea-generation cards much this; they were issued in a very limited edition and today are worth some insane amount of money.) In the case of Identifont, I was trying to use the tool to drive at Copperplate Gothic, but I wound up with Carlton -- a font I wasn't looking for, but which I rather like, since it shares some similarities but is nonetheless different. Even though the machine got it "wrong", it did something creatively cool. It's much like how collaborative filtering and machine intelligence can lead us in interesting new directions. Our Tivos find shows for us; Amazon suggest books based on what we're surfing. Sometimes they're hilariously wrong, but much of the time they're useful in a key way -- because they knock us slightly off our expected path. I've often argued that artificial intelligence is best when it remains slightly unhuman and slightly alien, because that's when it most contributes to our lives. If we wanted to get truly human-like advice on a good font to use or a good TV show to watch, we'd just go talk to a like-minded friend. That's what other humans are good for! But machines think in much simpler and thus far weirder fashions than we humans do, so even when they're wrong, they're wrong in interesting ways. Sometimes, that's even better than being right. (Thanks to Tribblescape for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 10:00:15 AM Greatest font tool available - I'll spare everyone the description. Visit it, bookmark it, love it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 12:01:47 PM brilliant commentary as usual, clive: "But machines think in much simpler and thus far weirder fashions than we humans do, so even when they're wrong, they're wrong in interesting ways. Sometimes, that's even better than being right." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 03:59:12 PM Bob, glad you liked it! Brian, holy moses, that's cool. Is that app actually accurate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 09:57:10 AM Well, I've been using both Identifont and WhatTheFont for years now, and yeah - they both do a pretty reliable job. Identifont is limited by it's own small database (it doesn't 'know' too many fonts), but WhatTheFont has never let me down - it's generally on the money, so long as you give it a nice clean image to work from. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bud EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 06:44:59 AM Clive, shame on you for forgetting Brian Eno's "Oblique Strategies" [ my apologies, this site uses frames, and I've copied the URL of only the relevant frame page]! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 02:20:19 AM Oh, right on! I'd never seen that before. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Direct TV EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2005 11:33:28 PM Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should get Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Free Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Installation. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should get Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should get Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. 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Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Free Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Dishtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Installation. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should get Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should get Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should get Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Free Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Free Direct tv Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Installation. Youll should use Direct tv Installation Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Directtv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Dea. Youll should use Free Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Offers. Youll should use Directtv Deal. Youll should use Directtv Deals. Youll should use Direct tv Offers. Youll should use Direct TV Deal. Youll should use Direct TV Deals. Youll should use Direct TV Installation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2005 10:39:11 PM 3729 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2005 12:51:56 AM 7939 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 04:38:40 PM 4571 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 05:55:38 PM 5550 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 03:11:04 AM 3336 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 04:28:51 AM 7516 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 10:34:32 AM 1717 online poker ----- PING: TITLE: texas hold em URL: IP: BLOG NAME: texas hold em DATE: 03/18/2005 01:46:21 AM Please check some helpful info about party poker online poker texas hold em ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Reality mining STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/18/2004 01:20:09 AM ----- BODY:

You've probably heard about the controversies over RFID tags, which report the location and identity of whatever device they're attached to. You may have heard of the scientists who recently developed a tiny tracking chip to implant in a patient's skin. And you may even have heard of "location-based services" -- mobile phones that know where they are and can, say, recommend the nearest Italian restaurant. Now here's a new buzzword: "Reality mining". It was coined recently by the futurists at Accenture, and it stands for the type of data-surfing we'll be able to do when everything around us -- our phones, our cars, our pants, our dogs, and everything else that is and isn't glued down -- has the ability to report on its location and its current state. Think of "reality mining" as a supercharged version of the presence-management abilities of the AOL Buddy List. The Buddy List gives you one or two simple bits of information about your posse: Who's online? And if they've been dormant, how long? This lets you get a nigh-tactile sense of the current status of your friends, almost as if you were able to glance around the room and look at everyone. Now imagine your buddy list were able to track all sorts of other things: Where your spouse's car currently is (and how fast it's travelling), where your kids are (and who they're with), how busy each of the local restaurants are, and which bank machine near you has the biggest lineup. It's sort of like having ESP. The Accenture guys also call this "Reality Browsing", which is maybe a better metaphor, and they give the following scenario:

Before they leave home, shoppers could check for local traffic conditions, parking availability, and size of checkout lines and shopping crowds. As additional sensors and Web services become available, we envision scenarios in which users can check if rental movies, dry cleaning, or theater seats are available before leaving the house.
The commercial-style applications are obvious enough. But what intrigues me are the non-commercial ones -- tracking the social dynamics of our friends, being able to see and rewind data about our neighborhoods. It's about visualizing the world in a really new way, and the thing is, this isn't really all that far off in the future. As a very simple demonstration of reality mining, the Accenture guys made a 3D map of their California business-park neighborhood, where the current stock-market value of each company is represented by a shade of green hanging in the sky over their building (pictured above). As you fly through the 3D world, you can see the information made physical, sort of like health-bars in video games, floating over combatants to track how they're doing. Indeed, video games are the past masters at displaying reality-mining-style info, so I wouldn't be surprised if our everyday info-interfaces in the future start to look more and more like Grand Theft Auto. (Thanks to Mindjack for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mario EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 04:02:45 AM There's a novel by Asimov in which an history teacher is revealing a technique to look at the past, just to discover that it can go back just to a few seconds "ago". The problem is that the technology he has unleashed is putting an end to privacy. Noone is ever going to be "alone" anymore. That is the first thing that popped in my mind... ...And it's not nice when you realize the first thing that's popping in your mind on some topic is a Sci-Fi novel!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 04:00:08 PM It's Philip K. Dick's world, man. We just live in it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mario EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 04:16:45 AM I agree that ANYTHING can be found in Dick's novels, but I am quite positive that this special novel I have in mind (about the "chronoscope" or something)is also in an Asimov's novel. The "mad professor" actually just wants to see his dead daughter again, but uses his professional interests as an escuse to gain access to the technology he needs. In the end he fionds out he just blasted privacy worldwide. Any titles anyone? PS "Reality is that thing that does not disappear when you stop believing in it" is my favorite quote and should be Dick's. By the way I think he was a genius but absolutely no good at actually putting down on paper his wonderful intuitions... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bud EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 06:24:55 AM man, that's too heavy to deal with over my bowl of cereal...:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2005 04:42:09 AM 5827 online poker ----- PING: TITLE: rfid camera URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Ab logger DATE: 10/26/2004 06:51:47 PM Op vakantie hebben ongetwijfeld tientallen touristen mij onbedoeld gefilmd en gefotografeerd. Helaas krijg je die foto’s zelf nooit te zien. Waarschijnlijk word ik zelfs weggephotoshopped. Dat doe ik wel, als het even kan, met ongewenste touriste... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: And apparently the moon has a chocolate-nougat core, too STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/16/2004 07:43:27 PM ----- BODY: Apparently astronomers have discovered that there's a huge cloud of frozen sugar near the center of the Milky Way. It's glycolaldehyde, a sugar composed of two carbon atoms, two oxygen atoms and four hydrogen atoms. No word on how tasty that stuff actually is, but given that it's barely a few degrees above absolute zero, you wouldn't really wanna lick it anyway. But outside of the extremely cool discovery of our galaxy's Tootsie-Pop-like qualities, the researchers also surmise that a sugary cloud like this could help seed life -- if a comet passed through it, grabbed of bunch of the stuff, then deposited it on a nice warm planet. As The Scotsman reports:
Radio astronomer Dr Jan Hollis, from the American space agency NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre in Green- belt, Maryland, said: "Many of the interstellar molecules discovered to date are the same kinds detected in laboratory experiments specifically designed to synthesise prebiotic molecules. "This fact suggests a universal prebiotic chemistry."
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Popsciolist EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/17/2004 03:50:33 AM Your headline made me snort milk out of my nose. ...Which would go well with all that space candy, don't you think? ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 01:12:44 AM Ahahaha! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: incest rape forced sex fantasy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2005 11:42:23 AM Rape fantasies free rape video, free rape video ass rape. Forced sex videos anal rape, free rape galleries torture and rape websites. Rape comix free forced sex, rape porn virgin rape. Free forced sex rape pictures, how to rape bondage rape. Russian rape gay rape, asian rape teen rape. Rape victims asian rape, date rape forced sex. How to rape gang violence, rape victim rape video. incest rape forced sex videos. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Squid of the apocalypse STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/16/2004 07:25:51 PM ----- BODY:

A giant squid was recently caught off the coast of British Columbia. Nothing unusual in that -- as readers of my many previous giant-squid postings will know -- except that this species of squid, the Humboldt, normally confines itself to warm-water areas such as the Gulf of California. Even weirder, last year a Humboldt was found off the shores of Alaska. The culprit may be global warming, as some scientists told the CBC:

"It may have come up with a tonne of warm water, or it might be that they're making their way north comfortably now," says Kelly Sendall, senior collection manager at the Royal B.C. Museum.
Living in Manhattan as I do, which is very low to the water, I sometimes imagine what this place will look like when global warming has brought the sea level up by, oh, 15 feet. For the neighborhoods south of 14th St., that'll put the all the buildings in water up to the second floor. So whenever I walk down the street I'll occasionally imagine what it would look like when people are taking canoes up and down Lafayette. Now I'll imagine it with people taking canoes up and down Lafayette ... and being feasted upon by giant squid. (Thanks to Jeff MacIntyre and Marc Kelsey for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dustin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 12:48:17 PM Interesting stuff... I'm thrilled to see you linking stuff from the CBC. I grew up along the Canadian border, and I've always relied on the CBC for real news without bias and without all the fluff and sensationalism of news in the US. Good work! They also have possibly the best public radio I've ever heard. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: june EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/18/2004 02:08:38 PM Manhattan, the Venice of the Eastern seaboard! I guess New Orleans is screwed. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 11:59:36 AM Thank you for my weekly Giant Squid fix. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 07:10:44 AM 330 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2005 02:07:59 AM 4135 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2005 03:43:09 AM 1876 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2005 12:33:56 AM 4140 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 07:09:18 PM 7441 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 09:24:20 AM 3345 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 03:47:17 PM 375 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 01:45:48 PM 5058 online poker ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: The price of a vote STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/16/2004 08:27:16 AM ----- BODY: Both US presidential campaigns are banking a lot on "getting out the vote" -- pumping money into door-to-door campaigns and phone banks aimed at making sure their base, and many new voters, head to the polls. But how useful will this really be? Two Yale professors did a fascinating study to figure out how much, precisely, it costs to rustle up a vote. They analyzed data from state and local elections in a intriguing way: They compared the turnout of those who had received a get-out-the-vote appeal -- a phone call, a door visit, etc. -- versus those who didn't. The result? Door-to-door visits managed to bring out one additional vote per 14 people visited, which works out to a price of about $7 and $19 for that vote. Leaflets created only one new vote per 66 votes, for a cost-per-vote of about $14 to $42. Telephone calling was incredibly ineffective, costing anywhere from $45 to $200 for a vote. But here's where things get interesting. The two parties say they're spending about $200 million on get-out-the-vote techniques this year. The professors figure that on average, each vote costs $50 to get out. That means, as the New York Times reports ...
... that the tremendous mobilization efforts under way will increase turnout by about four million people, or 2 percent of eligible voters. Although unseasonable weather or other unforeseen events could throw this forecast off - and the expected close contest should arouse heightened participation - this year's turnout is likely to fall between 2000's rate of 54 percent of eligible voters and 1992's rate of 61 percent. This moderate forecast stands in contrast to the image of unprecedented voting implied by reports of record numbers of people registering in many states.
Maybe we won't see as many new voters as we'd hoped to. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Michael Bean EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/16/2004 03:32:38 PM Perhaps voters are registering independent of any get-out-the-vote efforts? That could explain the poor return on the effort by parties to register voters *and* the unprecedented numbers of new voters. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2004 02:14:55 PM Yep, that could indeed be it! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2005 02:21:01 AM 8100 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/02/2005 01:09:49 AM 5730 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 09:56:55 AM 8887 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2005 07:19:26 PM 5805 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 03:58:12 AM 410 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 06:14:14 AM 2721 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 07:45:45 PM 1617 online poker ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: The ferret Matrix STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/12/2004 03:55:19 AM ----- BODY:

It's quite rare for a scientist to stumble upon a bold new insight about cognition. It's even more rare to do so while experimenting with a bunch of ferrets that are being forced to watch The Matrix. But Michael Weliky may indeed have won this surreal trifecta. Weliky, a brain researcher at the University of Rochester, had long assumed -- as do many cognitive scientists -- that the brain is somewhat inactive in the absence of stimulation. It's kind of like that old joke that we only use 10% of our brain. Cognitive scientists don't really believe that old saw, but they do generally assume that the brain is considerably less busy when it's deprived of stimuli. Weliky, however, decided to test this assumption. He took a group of adult ferrets, wired up their visual cortexes with probes, and then subjected them to three different forms of stimuli: a) A pitch-black room; b) a TV screen displaying nothing but static; and, last but not least, c) the movie The Matrix. His findings? As you might expect, viewing the movie and the TV static caused the ferrets' visual cortexes to fire at 100%. But what was truly weird was the the pitch-black room registered 80% activity. The first question, obviously, is -- why are our brains doing so much visual work when there's nothing to look at? Weliky suspects it's because our ability to see and recognize things is contingent on cognitive models that are firing all the time, even when we're not looking at stuff. That 80% activity rate is the baseline work the ferrets needed to do just to generate their mental model of reality. As he said in a press release:

"This suggests that with your eyes closed, your visual processing is already running at 80 percent, and that opening your eyes only adds the last 20 percent. The big question here is what is the brain doing when it’s idling, because it’s obviously doing something important.”
Fair enough. But there's a much bigger question here, which is -- ferrets? Ferrets WATCHING THE MATRIX? As it turns out, Weliky has been studying ferret visual-cortical activity for some time, so his choice of that particular animal was driven merely by the fact that he's extremely familiar with their neurophysiology. In previous experiments, he apparently used to shine lights into the eyes of unconscious ferrets to see if it produced any brain activity. (Which, when you think about it, is not really much less strange than sitting them down to watch Carrie-Anne Moss kick ass in bullet time ... but whatever.) As to why he picked The Matrix, it seems pretty clear that Welicky could have used any visual stimulus he wanted, but that he simply couldn't resist the metaphoric hilarity: What better movie to use for a study about how the brain develops mental representations of reality? Heh. While it is hard to tell whether Welicky is headed towards a Nobel prize or an IgNobel one, there's no doubt that his findings are quite intriguing. If his data are solid, then they point to the fact that our brains are much busier than we suspect. As he concludes:
"In a way, our neural structure imposes a certain structure on the outside world, and all we know is that at least one other mammalian brain seems to impose the same structure. Either that or The Matrix freaked out the ferrets the way it did everyone else.”
(Thanks to Robin at Snarkmarket for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 02:49:07 PM wow cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 04:10:46 PM Perfect timing Clive! You're posting comes hot on the trail of another ferret-based news posting here in Toronto. All I can say is that the city is waiting with bated breath for word on these rogue (soon to be feral) ferrets. Further, I wish the link included the photo of the "searchers" that ran in the paper - hard to believe they were willing to put down the 12 sided die long enough to embark on a "ferret-quest". God bless the tabloids. -brian. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mario EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2004 05:39:42 AM According to Maturana and Varela, on their work which introduced the concept of autopoiesis that generated a lot of fuss later, there is no neurological difference between external stimuli and hallucination. Perception is all inside our brain, it is only triggered by external reality. Spinoza? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Misha EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2004 10:24:37 AM What, you think ferrets don't deserve to be entertained too? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2004 10:35:58 AM I agree. Ferrets should be entertained, and geez, the Matrix ain't gonna cut it. May I suggest, for approprite ferret entertainment, Stuart Little (a talking mouse -- way cooler than Keanu and slowbullets)? The Matrix? Might have well as shown Gigli. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mario EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2004 03:52:58 AM Wanna entertain ferrets? Live Chicken! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2004 02:01:41 PM I don't know, chickens know how to take care of themselves. Dumb but vicious animals those birds. I had a bad experience as a child. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2004 02:01:41 PM I don't know, chickens know how to take care of themselves. Dumb but vicious animals those birds. I had a bad experience as a child. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2004 03:45:47 PM Chickens are mean. But really, have you taken a close look at the Moon? Now, that's one badass hunk of rock. <shudder> ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2004 07:13:54 PM You think I'm joking, but in highschool one of my FFA friends had chickens, and I'm telling you, a ferrit wouldn't stand a chance. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 06:04:24 AM 8155 online poker ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Village Voice calls Collision Detection "The Best of NYC"! STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/06/2004 11:14:49 AM ----- BODY:

Hey, this is cool: In their annual "Best of New York City" issue, the Village Voice includes me. To quote their review in full:

Best blog to make you seem smarter at cocktail parties
Collision Detection
Which Blur song rocks the Fibonacci Sequence? How do you hack a Furby? And what kind of sound does your face make? Find your crib sheet at, the web's go-to site for brainy technobabble-meets-pop-culture references. Tech geeks and Luddites alike will marvel at the daily tidbits from journalist (and M.I.T. alum) Clive Thompson, who writes about techno-arcania with wit and intellectual heft. Live long and prosper.
Those entries mentioned above are, by the way, here, here, and here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 11:41:37 AM Congrats on the well deserved praise Clive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 11:43:31 AM While I think of it- Great to hear that some of the best of NYC is from the GTA... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Max EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 12:13:21 PM woooooooo ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: chris EMAIL: IP: URL:, DATE: 10/06/2004 12:48:40 PM You deserve all that praise and more Clive. Congratulations! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 12:59:16 PM Y'all are tres nice! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: rb EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 02:20:12 PM i'm not surprised, i love this blog too way to go clive! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jenny c. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 02:30:10 PM the writer's from the GTA too - go Canada! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tom EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 02:49:48 PM Congratulations! You've got a great blog. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 03:07:44 PM Thankew! For those readers baffled by the acronym GTA, it stands for "Greater Toronto Area", the land from whence I hailed before I relocated to New York night these seven years ago. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jason EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 04:35:05 PM Dude, that rocks! Now all the trendy people are gonna start hangin' around here. Don't go stop being nerdy on us. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: stop14 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 07:23:52 PM sweet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: andy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 07:32:59 PM well done! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bud EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 06:54:04 AM Clive, as the Blur song goes: "Woo-Hoo!" Congrats to you! Enjoy a tumbler of your favourite Scotch, and keep up the fun work! Live long and prosper, Blog free or die, Keep on grokking in the free world. peace, bud ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 08:59:18 AM Nice! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Andrew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 09:30:34 AM you pwn! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 09:35:08 AM Yip yip yip yip! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony Walsh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 11:20:27 AM Dang, bro, that is a sweet blurb. Way to rock it out, I w00t in your general direction! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Alfred O. Cloutier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 11:41:48 AM Sweet reference. Good job. Is it going to get crowded in here? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mario EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 12:44:23 PM Now that you're a star you'll forget about us... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 12:47:30 PM How dare all you little people read my blog. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: marc EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 12:57:20 PM Congrats, Clive. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Lisa EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 05:33:44 PM Awesome! Even though I'm not religious, whenever I read your column I always think, "God bless Clive Thompson" -- it's so cool to see your brilliance being recognized and acclaimed by others!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 05:57:50 PM Thank you! And, I gotta say, the pic of your new kitten on your blog is insanely cute. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: El Rey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 06:48:41 PM SALUTE, kind sir bot! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gord EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 08:53:02 PM Congrats and other congratulatory wishes! A'ight? A'ight. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: George EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/08/2004 12:35:07 AM I knew him when.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: daniel luke EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/09/2004 09:41:47 AM You have used well the gifts that God has given you. It is clear that you have much more than ordinarily falls to the lot of mortals. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Your sister Chris EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/11/2004 09:55:36 PM While you deserve every accolade, these people should know that I knew you when you were afraid of the moon. Congratulations! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 04:24:26 AM Ahahahaha! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 12:01:02 PM Why the moon? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 01:00:01 PM When I was a kid, I used to think the moon was following our car like some sort of malevolent ghost as we drove at night back from my grandparents' farm. It freaked me out so badly I'd have to bury my face in my mother's lap. I still retain certain suspicions about the true motivations of the mmoon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: The Moon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 06:21:22 PM BOO! (mwahahahahahahahahaahahaha...) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2005 02:56:36 AM 4962 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2005 12:52:25 AM 6666 want to play online poker mate? ----- PING: TITLE: Congratualations, Collision Detection! URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Majikthise DATE: 10/10/2004 01:19:48 PM The Village Voice names Clive Thompson's Collision Detection as the Best Blog to Make You Seem Smarter at Cocktail Parties: Which Blur song rocks the Fibonacci Sequence? How do you hack a Furby? And what kind of sound does your ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Does country music cause suicide? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/05/2004 08:32:01 PM ----- BODY:

Can hurtin' music actually hurt you? Last week, Harvard held the 14th annual IgNobel Awards -- tongue-in-cheek prizes for world's weirdest research. This year, the winner in the "medicine" category was "The Effect of Country Music on Suicide," a paper that Steven Stack and Jim Gundlach published in a 1992 issue of the journal Social Forces. I can't find a copy of the full paper online, but here's an abstract that explains the argument:

In this article, we explore the link between a particular form of popular music (country music) and metropolitan suicide rates. We contend that the themes found in country music foster a suicidal mood among people already at risk of suicide and that it is thereby associated with a high suicide rate. The effect is buttressed by the country subculture and a link between this subculture and a racial status related to an increased suicide risk.
The IgNobel was obviously awarded because this research was so flourescently surreal. But the IgNobels do not dispute the findings of the studies they honor. On the contrary, the IgNobels are intended to highlight research that "first makes people laugh, then makes them think". So we're still left with a serious question: Just how badly was I risking my life by listening to Dwight Yoakam last night? Gundlach began pondering this when he was teaching a class and discovered that Nashville, for some reason, has suicide rates much higher than would ordinarily be predicted by the known correlates (which include, apparently, high levels of unemployment, divorce, and the number of people who are Roman Catholic). Then, as the New Jersey Star Ledger reports ...
"Everyone in the class said 'country music!"'Gundlach said in an interview. Further research, including analysis of country music lyrics, showed the major themes -- including the travails of love, drinking alcohol as a way to deal with life's problems, and a sense of hopelessness about work and finances -- have all been linked to increased suicide risk. Country music listeners are also big gun owners. When Gundlach and Stack tallied suicide rates in 49 large metropolitan areas, they found rates went up in sync with the proportion of radio air time devoted to country music.
Well, thankfully I don't have a gun -- or as we liked to call 'em back in the day, an "equalizer" -- kicking around my New York apartment. Even so, I somehow doubt that listening to today's country would be particularly dangerous, because it's much less intense than before. Old-school country from the 30s and 40s was incredibly downbeat stuff. Perhaps more dangerously yet, it was -- like traditional blues of that period -- so profoundly weird that no modern radio station today dares play it; in the jingoistic/faux-gritty age of Shania Twain, Gretchen Wilson and the unspeakably loathsome Toby Keith, old-school country would seem like a broadcast from the surface of Mars. In today's soccer-mom-focus-group-honed New Country, you can be funny or cocky or angry or gosh-darn-downhome as you want, but you cannot be as truly spittle-flecked and eye-buggingly strange as the freaks who gave birth to the genre so many decades ago. I mean, go listen to Johnny Cash's "Folsom Prison" album. God damn that's an odd album. I think it's that combination of desperation and woodshed weirdness that makes old-school country seem so wonderfully bleak, and today's country, by comparison, so surgically devoid of any emotion. Even Gundlach seems to intuit this: A wire story quoted him as saying that the country music of 1992 was "gloomier than today". A victory for public health, and a tragedy for music. There's a tear in my beer. (Thanks to the Eyebeam reBlog for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: june EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 12:55:21 PM Suicide: It's not just for heavy metal fans anymore! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 01:01:14 PM Horns are up! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: marc EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 09:41:33 PM When I was a teenager, I worked on a dairy farm. The radio in the barn was tuned to a country station. The best day was Sunday, when they played "retro" country all day. So now, I have this narrow band of country music knowledge in my music appreciation spectrum, which my wife and friends find truly bizarre. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Cate EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 10:42:14 AM My very first record was a Johnny Cash 45 with "Folsom Prison" on one side and "I Walk the Line" on the other. Now I'm thinking that probably explains a lot about my childhood. Wrong post, I know, but congratulations on the Village Voice review. I've been reading for a while and do use this site to seem smarter at cocktail parties, so I hope everyone I know won't catch on now. Anyway, good for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gord EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 08:57:47 PM Ever the optimist..... It's too bad there's no more "new country" radio in the GTA. If you woke up with that on your clock radio the day could only get better from there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: marc EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/08/2004 11:21:16 AM Interesting...and if you woke up with old country, your day could only SEEM better from there! Maybe all clock radios should be set to country stations. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: george EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 10:53:59 PM Texas A&M University has very few suicides, and it is chock full of cowboys who listen to country music. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2005 02:31:55 AM 3300 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2005 02:33:41 AM 442 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 11:46:23 PM 2463 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: s10maniac24 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2005 02:24:13 PM personally, i think brittany spears is a MAJOR cause of suicide. now THAT is terrible music! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2005 11:36:30 AM actually I think Brittany Spears is the cause of early carpal tunnel in many prepubescent boys (or girls... oddly). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: swimlife05 EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2005 11:36:53 AM actually I think Brittany Spears is the cause of early carpal tunnel in many prepubescent boys (or girls... oddly). ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Infrared cats STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/05/2004 07:54:44 PM ----- BODY:

Yeah, well, your cat would look pretty weird too if you took a picture of it using an infrared lens. (Thanks to Slashdot for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: free granny pics mature babes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2005 11:13:59 AM Free granny pics mature xxx, xxx mature mature nude women. Mature erotica mature bitches, free mature sex mature erotica. Mature women mature nudes, mature archives mature blowjobs. Naked mature women mature gallery, nude mature mature free sex sites. Mature nude women nude mature women, free mature movies mature lingerie. Mature tgp nude mature, mature girls mature tgp. Mature archives free mature thumbs, mature nude women nude mature women. granny pics mature free. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sexy mature chubby mature EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/08/2005 11:14:35 AM Mature sex stories free mature thumbs, nude mature women amateur mature. Sexy granny mature hardcore, mature archives mature blowjobs. Sex grannies mature wives, granny pictures naked grannies. Mature nude granny galleries, mature wife granny galleries. Mature older women mature babe, grannies nude grannies. Matures mature mom, mature blowjobs sexy granny. Mature pantyhose mature pictures, mature amateur mature women. sexy mature women mature lady. ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Vibrating trousers STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/05/2004 07:43:46 PM ----- BODY:

Dig this. British doctors have invented a new way to treat angina: Vibrating pants. Angina, of course, occurs when the body's circulation becomes so weak that the heart doesn't get enough blood. That's where the pants come in. As the BBC reports:

When the heart is resting the cuffs inflate and then deflate again just before each heart beat. The sequential inflation and deflation of the cuffs increases blood flow to the heart and encourages tiny new blood vessels to grow around the blocked arteries to feed the heart.
Quite apart from whether this treatment works, I wanted to blog it because it's just so purely awesome to be able to type the phrase vibrating pants. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 04:10:14 PM Quite apart from whether my heart needs this treatment, I want some of those awsome vibrating pants. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 07:29:24 PM I know. I was thinking, man, the club kids would love those pants. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: brian EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 09:55:05 AM I've always been partial to "nano-pants". Hilarious that one of the first mainstream uses of nano-technology has been to make "fancypants", though from what I understand this stuff makes Dri-Fit look like burlap. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ramjee EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/11/2004 06:30:12 AM I am amazed to know how the technology used by the Airforce pilots to counter the 'g'effects has been nicely utilized for treating the Angina patients.I have come across the usage of this technology in the form of Anti-G suits to avoid the pooling of blood in the lower body and limbs of the pilot while pulling high 'g's in the fighters some two decades ago. Congratulations to the British Doctor's team! ----- PING: TITLE: WWWW - It's all in the details... URL: IP: BLOG NAME: My Whim Is Law DATE: 10/06/2004 04:58:21 PM As Dick Cheney learned this morning, assuming that all things are automatically commercial can get one in trouble. And as he's also now learning, best make sure someone's got your back before you brag about it on national television. Finally,... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Self-spreading news STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/05/2004 07:00:27 PM ----- BODY:

Last week, the popular Dutch singer Andre Hazes died. (That's him pictured above.) The news came out just before noon, and within a few minutes, the country's mobile-phone carrier noticed something strange: The number of text messages instantly doubled. People were spreading the news themselves, instantly, via SMS. The incident led phone-pundit Mike Masnick to wonder whether this could be a new paradigm for how news is spread. Rather than wait for everyone to tune into their newspaper or TV show or web site, how about having reporters provide news in a format that readers can easily re-broadcast -- using SMS, email, or whatever? As Mansick puts it:

From a news organization's perspective, then, the opportunity is to package the news not in a way that simply attracts more readers, but to be easily disseminated outward by those readers. As the E-Media Tidbits article notes, for the news of Hazes death, a news organization could have sent: "Here is a message to forward, a picture, and part of a Hazes song attached," and then just let the power of social distribution take over.
It reminds me -- to cite a more depressing example -- of 9/11. I was at Flatbush and Atlantic that morning, with a crowd of people in the street, watching the buildings burn. When I looked around, I noticed that virtually everyone had pulled their phone out and was talking to someone else, describing the freakish, horrifying scene. Then I suddenly realized: The mobile phone was acting as a sort of de facto news agency, spreading on-the-spot information faster than CNN or Fox. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: How news is spread - the power of social distribution URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Smart Mobs DATE: 10/06/2004 01:29:01 PM On September 23, the popular Dutch singer Andre Hazes died. The news came out just before noon, and within a few minutes, the country's mobile-phone carrier noticed something strange: The number of text messages instantly doubled. People were spreading... ----- PING: TITLE: party poker URL: IP: BLOG NAME: party poker DATE: 03/18/2005 01:11:02 AM Please check some relevant pages dedicated to party poker online poker texas hold em ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Water: A way to focus cameraphone lenses? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/04/2004 02:21:55 AM ----- BODY:

One of the biggest problems with camera phones is that they're too small to allow for truly focussing lenses. To focus a picture, two lenses have to be able to move -- to slide closer or further together. And given how teensy most phones are, they don't even have the leeway you find in the smallest digital cameras. Given all the circuitry that has to fit inside the phone, there's no room left over to allow for several lenses. The eye, in contrast, works in a very different way. Rather than change the distance between two lenses, the eye simply uses one lens that can alter its own shape -- thus changing its focus. Now a couple of scientists in Singapore claim they've created a cameraphone lens that does precisely this. It's got a flexible polycarbonate lens which is hollow inside, and filled with water. The cameraphone can pump water in or out in tiny amounts, to subtly change the shape of the lens. It allows a cameraphone to do something hitherto impossible, which is to get a true close-up shot (that's an example above). There's a story on an Asian web site about it here. It reminds me of Adaptive Eyecare, the company that developed the world's cheapest eyeglasses. They too have flexible plastic lenses, which are filled with clear oil. You snap an oil pump onto it, then pump oil in or out until it achieves the perfect focus for your eyes. The idea was developed by an Oxford professor and is currently being rolled out in several African countries, where many farmers suffer from poor eyesight brought on by malnutrition. (Thanks to Ratchet Up for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 07:49:30 PM Wow, the best part from Mr. Thompson's link, "In Patriensa, for example, 15 miles from the Agogo hospital, few villagers wear glasses or have had their vision checked. Mary Agykpomaa -- an indigenous healer at the bottom of a steep hill who claims to be able to cure AIDS with a potion concocted from local forest leaves, mud and boiling water -- has a similar cure for bad eyesight. 'It's not the eye, but it's usually something in the head,' she said recently, as a helper burned a snake in the background, and she rubbed her potion on an injured man's grotesquely swollen ankle. 'And I can cure that.'" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 05:47:37 PM Seriously, eh? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pasi EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 01:29:29 PM Philips is developing a lens they call FluidFocus, which uses oil and water and a varying electric current to change focus of the lens. Of course, this was in the news half a year ago already, for instance here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Pasi EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 01:29:58 PM Philips is developing a lens they call FluidFocus, which uses oil and water and a varying electric current to change focus of the lens. Of course, this was in the news half a year ago already, for instance here: ----- PING: TITLE: Water: A way to focus cameraphone lenses? URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Camera Phone Zone DATE: 10/04/2004 07:05:21 AM "A couple of scientists in Singapore claim they've created a cameraphone lens that does precisely this. It's got a flexible polycarbonate lens which is hollow inside, and filled with water. The cameraphone can pump water in or out in tiny... ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Pixel Moon and the size of web pages STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/04/2004 01:58:30 AM ----- BODY:

Pixel Moon is brilliant: It's a web site that displays a moonscape where you can design your own moon base and add it to the landscape. So far, 78 people have created bases, many of which are quite hilarious -- including a Vodafone kiosk and a shot of four Star Trek characters staring at something lying on the ground. But to me, what's really interesting is how big the page is. To see all of Pixel Moon's surface, you have to scroll four screenfuls sideways, and several screenfuls down. I've always wondered why more web artists don't take advantage of the almost-limitless size of a web page by creating digital art that spreads out to the left and right (and up) as well as down. Indeed, someone could create a web page that was, say, 14 feet wide and 15 feet tall, and then anchor the "opening" part of the page at dead center. When you first loaded the page, you'd start in the center of that massive terrain, and wander around like a voyager. That's much the way many online "immersive world" video-games work: You arrive somewhere in the world, but can wander off in any direction for quite some distance. It gives a fun sense of scope and immensity to the virtual space. Here's an interesting question: What's the "biggest" web page ever created? Has anyone ever seen a web page that was, like, 14 feet wide and 15 feet tall, in real dimensions? (Thanks to Ratchet Up for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: alfred.cloutier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 12:14:41 PM hmm... we have had some ideas in this regard, even as a way to "hide" data/forums by putting them very far away, on a huge webpage. I got this idea from, the inscrutible design cooperative/collective, whose "members" have created endless pages with links for many screens clustered like stars. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: jkottke EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 12:19:08 PM MrWong's Soup'Partments is a pretty tall page. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Cory Ondrejka EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 11:36:44 PM Many of Scott McCloud's works are much larger than a page. My Obsession With Chess is a classic example. Great artists take advantage of the medium but most web designers aren't great artists. Plus, big pages are a pain to navigate, so if your page is supposed to be functional vice art then of course you want it to be small, easy to use, and fast to load. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 05:49:15 PM Those are great pages to look at! Still, none are terribly wide ... It's definitely true that a wide page would be a huge pain in the butt to scroll. It'd have to be a particularly germane bit of design to force upon viewers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tony EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 08:49:35 AM I was working on an idea three or four years ago that hinged on an entire site being held on one single plane, which you navigated around the different areas of rather than navigating from page to page. The client pulled funding before I went ahead and built it though... The site was going to be based on a sort of 'map' metaphor, where the user could wander between different content areas by literally 'travelling' left/right/up/down between them. Kinda like a microfiche reader, I suppose. I had concluded that browser scrollbars were a crappy control method for that sort of navigation though, so wanted to build the site in flash and make it more of a game-like control method. Maybe that's what you're looking towards in some ways, Clive - a top-down viewed 2-D videogame presented on the web is probably going to turn out to be the 'biggest' single page out there. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jim Wison EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2004 01:21:34 PM This is The Worlds Longest Webpage! It's 1010.08KM LONG!!!!! BEAT THIS BEAST! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 09:01:47 AM 3034 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/30/2005 07:58:29 PM 3447 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loans EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/08/2005 12:46:08 AM 8113 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 12:19:09 AM 6081 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 06:47:06 AM 7331 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 11:38:19 AM 1748 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/14/2005 01:48:56 PM 519 poker games ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Virtual tourists STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/04/2004 01:18:54 AM ----- BODY:

For years, the Swiss government has paid hikers to trek through the Alps and tell them what scenery they liked and didn't like. When hikers discovered that a good view was being obstructed by trees, the government would unleash lumberjacks -- and cows -- to deforest the area, imagineering the scene back into the Platonic tourist ideal. Recently, a couple of scientists got a different idea. They created a virtual version of the Alps, then programmed thousands of virtual tourists, each equipped with roughly the same aesthetics as the average tourist. Then they turned 'em loose in the digital Alps and had them report back what looked cool and what didn't. As The Economist reports:

An agent can be unleashed again and again on a particular part of the landscape, and will make decisions about where to go based on its previous experiences. After a few runs, agents start to avoid paths that they find uninteresting, and at the end of each simulation they provide feedback about their routes. Dr Nagel and the team use these data to work out how pleasurable each route was.
There's a web site devoted to the project, with some rather cool visuals of the pathways the virtual tourists trod. That picture above is one part of the Alps; the colored blocks are the agents. (Thanks to Roland for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joel Collier EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 08:04:03 PM So, these little yellow bars have the same appreciation of nature and love of beauty as the average tourist? Sounds about right. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 05:50:17 PM Heh. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: erotische geschichten inzest EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2005 01:39:13 AM erotische geschichten inzest ----- PING: TITLE: party poker URL: IP: BLOG NAME: party poker DATE: 03/18/2005 01:31:30 AM Please check some helpful info about party poker online poker texas hold em ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: The "pro-am revolution" STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/04/2004 01:05:43 AM ----- BODY: Over at Fast Company, Charles Leadbetter pushes an interesting idea: The increasing scientific, political, and cultural importance of "pro-ams" -- amateurs who hold themselves to professional standards. One good example is in astronomy: Many astronomical discoveries these days are coming from amateurs with backyard telescopes, because technology has made those telescopes increasingly powerful. Or consider Linux, an operating system that was created by volunteers, yet which now rivals Microsoft's top products. In the world of music, cut-and-paste apps like Apple's Garage Band are making amateur performers increasingly polished. The interesting thing, as Leadbetter points out, is that this completely reverses the trends of the last few hundred years:
The 20th century was marked by the rise of professionals in medicine, science, education, and politics. In one field after another, amateurs and their ramshackle organizations were driven out by people who knew what they were doing and had certificates to prove it. Now that historic shift seems to be reversing. Even as large corporations extend their reach, we're witnessing the flowering of Pro-Am, bottom-up self-organization.
Interestingly, an example he doesn't mention is blogging. "Amateur" authors -- I hesitate to call them "amateurs" because some bloggers are more fun to read than many paid professionals -- are getting so much audience these days that the pros are freaking out, as the New York Times Magazine documented last week in its excellent story on political bloggers. Anyway, Leadbetter is set to release a book-length version of his argument in November, and I'll be intrigued to read it. (Thanks to Slashdot for this one!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: marc EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 01:48:11 PM The key point here is that the Pro-Ams are holding themselves to PROFESSIONAL standards. It's not that professionalism is dead, but rather the source of it. That implies, to some degree, that so-called "professional" groups aren't. 100 years ago, it was GOOD to have doctors put patent medicine salesmen out of work, and have archaeologists stop tomb raiding. And now, it is equally good that self-taught computer geeks are putting MSCE incompitants out of work, and private groups are winning their own space race. Maybe this is just a wake-up call to those industries with a high Pro-Am-itude. After all, I don't think anyone's ready for Pro-Am surgeons. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 05:51:00 PM Yeeeikes! Excellent point. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: glory EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 10:53:57 PM that name sounded familiar, i got this book by him sitting on my shelf called living on thin air about "the new economy," how it'll be knowledge-based and wealth-creation will spread from the origination, control and democratization of ideas... or something :D i never actually read it! (i'd had enough peter drucker and jeremy rifkin what's-the-big-idea-that'll-change-life-as-we-know-it books for awhile :) but looking at the jacket tho, i remember why i was sorta interested in it in the first place. apparently leadbeater was pretty instrumental in shaping blair's "third way" policies, so i guess he's still pretty influential. cheers! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 03:54:23 AM 2629 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/29/2005 07:28:33 PM 7147 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 10:55:05 PM 2883 want to play online poker mate? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: payday loan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2005 06:57:17 PM 233 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker games EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 12:35:35 AM 6738 poker games ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 08:50:48 AM 7383 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: poker online EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 10:28:14 AM 6626 online poker ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: online poker EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2005 02:58:49 PM 7748 online poker ----- PING: TITLE: texas hold em URL: IP: BLOG NAME: texas hold em DATE: 03/18/2005 01:49:21 AM You can also check out the sites in the field of party poker online poker texas hold em ----- -------- AUTHOR: Clive Thompson TITLE: Ludology vs. narrative STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 DATE: 10/02/2004 11:21:55 AM ----- BODY:

In video game circles, the big debate these days is about whether video games are driven by narrative or by play-style -- narrativology vs. ludology. I think both approaches are useful to understanding games, though I lean towards ludology as more germanely important. While narrative applies to novels, plays, TV, movies, and games, play -- working within a set of rules that impose an arbitrary goal and make it tricky to achieve -- applies only to games. It is what makes games most game-like. The other problem with narrative is that it is, at heart, essentially noninteractive. As Northrop Frye argued, the pleasure of a story is masochistic: The fun is in sitting there and going, "yeah? And then? And then? And then?" without ever knowing what's next. Having any control over that situation changes this dramatically: The masochism is what makes narrative narrative. Take that away, create an interactive situation, and you've got something very cool: A game with open-ended, forking scenes, amazingly cinematic visuals, a powerful metaphoric and symbolic system, and other cool stuff. But it's not a narrative anymore, so studying it as such won't tell you very much. My bias here is that I studied literature, so I view the word "narrative" as a precise word -- and I think a lot of game theorists use it in an overly imprecise way. They look at a game and see the dramatic scenes, film-like visuals, and metaphoric consistency, and think: Hey, that's a story! It's not. And here we come to the point of this blog entry, which is to note an excellent book reviewed at Slashdot today: Interactive Storytelling by Andrew Glassner. As the reviewer notes:

Glassner's strongly held opinion, which he argues quite coherently, is that a great story is the product of one (or a few) expert storytellers presenting a strong, consistent vision to you, the consumer. The fabled holy grail of gaming is letting the player do whatever they want -- full interactivity. And this is to a point fundamentally incompatible with telling a great story. Conflict drives most stories -- what if the player quite reasonably minimizes conflict?
Precisely. More interestingly:
... people gravitate toward the entertainment that has the highest fun-to-work ratio. Television is hugely popular since the fun is high to very low, but the work is near zero. They will do more work if it offers a lot more fun. Which means you shouldn't force your players to do stupid, boring, unnecessary work like running through a dozen screens again and again to get between important locations.
It's a good question: Why do game-makers so often force you to trek halfway across a virtual world, an incredibly boring task, just so you can get to an important puzzle or battle? Why not just let you teleport to the action? Because they want to show off their genuinely impressive immersive world, of course. Granted, the world really is a lot of fun to explore. But when a game is designed to force you to slog around just to "get through the game", it is a symptom of the problem of designing games as if they were stories. A better way of thinking about it might be to treat the immersive world as a piece of architecture. How would you encourage the player to see everything, to admire the elements of design? That's a project that has nothing to do with story. And indeed, obsessively thinking about the game as a "story" might well get in the way of the true pleasure of the game, which is exploring the world. Here's another way of thinking about it: A game can have characters, dramatic sequences, a consistent symbolism, and yet still not be a story. Sure, most games have things that happen one after another. But "one thing happening after another" is not a narrative. Things happen one after another in the The Sims, but those aren't stories either: They're simulations, cultural artifacts that are incredibly interesting and engrossing for reasons that have nothing to do with the traditional definition of narrative. Anyway, I'll stop now. I salute anyone who's made it to the end of this incredibly didactic entry. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Karmakin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/02/2004 02:01:51 PM Eh, I salute anybody for an incredibly didactic entry. In my opinion, when it comes to interactive storytelling, is you basically have two types. First, you have the cut-scene option. Where basically the story is told in a relativly straight-line basis. Secondly you have the exploration option, where random events, how the world looks, whatever, explain to you the nature of the world itself. Video games have it rather easy when it comes to storytelling, as because it is a visual medium, it does the second almost all the time its on the screen. You can see the archatecture, or the sci-fi design, and if you like that sort of things, appriciate that..and it's just as much part of the story as any plot twist. Some games of course, focus on the second. Games such as Fable or Morrowwind have less of a straight line plot, and more of an explore your world feature. This is something I don't particularly enjoy myself. The second blurb, basically is really limited to RPGs. I mean, how many other games really have "fetch quests"? But yeah, the best RPGs really limit the number of fetch quests there are, and if there are fetch quests, they're #1. essential to the story line, and #2, not a huge trek to get there and back. The best RPG I've ever...The best story I've ever.....The best game I've ever...ok, the best ANYTHING I've ever seen is Final Fantasy X. Mainly because instead of a whole lot of side-treks and plot twists, for large parts of the game, it's pretty straight ahead, at least with the story itself. It's the characters that have the twists. And that gets the characters over in an immensly personal way that is missed in pretty much all other media. And why? Because it focuses like a laser-light on the story, and not allowing exploration to get in the way. You are still exploring, but using your eyes and your ears and your brain, not your feet (thumbs). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: heather gold EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/02/2004 10:38:15 PM i believe something new is happening which is a mix of both of these things. In live performance (which is what i do) I pursue a kind of "programming as performance" in which there is narrative structure for certain, but the experience changes each time depending upon the audience. Reality TV is motivated by this, to some degree (setting up structure and letting live interactions between players create narrative) bt the live comedic stuff I'm doing in "I Look Like An Egg, but I Identify As A Cookie" is as influenced by my experiences with Net and programmers as it is by my years around comedic improv and solo performers like Anna Deveare Smith and Eve Ensler. Gotta run now, Clive, but I will check out the bookand I have a lot more I want to chat about with you about this idea. It strikes me as a core issue today in creating relevant , engagin experiences for an incredibly media-saturated / gaming-savvy world. heather ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: L.M. Smith EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 02:41:10 PM This post echoes an IM conversation we had a few weeks ago Clive (AIM: Sweaterstillfits) about the integration and incorporation of narrative elements in video games. In the past narrative in games has been contrived by the game developers -- ultimately one can contend that it is Kojima's story in the Metal Gear series. The plot progresses and unfolds in a linear fashion, leaving little to no user-end interaction and effect on the 'narrative.' In this respect it would seem to fall in line with your strict definition of narrative. Sure, the fun of reading books with narrative is the 'what happens next' element, and ultimately similar sentiments can be iterated on specific types of games. See, where I fundamentally disagree with you is in this statement from your blog They look at a game and see the dramatic scenes, film-like visuals, and metaphoric consistency, and think: Hey, that's a story! It's not. As talked about previously, integrating game theory and film theory is dangerous, because it is a sort of cognitive short-cut, but I do think we are seeing the emergence of auteurship in games, while not neccessarily relegated to a specific vision, but instead to a team, or a development company, i.e., Team Ninja, Team Kojima, Bungie, et cetera. Dramatic scenes, film-like visuals and metaphoric consistencies would seem to make a story, but the idea of narrative as a constricting mono-directional interactivity seems to undermine the very nature of video games. Now the two options one has from that assertion is to either strike the use of narrative when discussing video games, or adapt the definition of narrative, when narrative is strictly defined. Narrative is not a mono-directional path. It is, for lack of a better phrase, a two way street. The drivers on thish road are the user and the environment, element of play, whatever, being presented by the game. Now, unfortunatey games are not at the point yet where narrative interactivity between user and game is seamless or even more complicated than a Choose Your Own Adventure book. You remember the books, if you choose A, turn to page X and if you choose B turn to page Y. Page Y and choice B could lead you to death or a conclusion or another series of choices. This is a very primitive matrix of user-dictated narrative, yet because of the oft-primitive nature of user-dictated narrative in video games, I feel its applicable. A game such as Fable (flawed- but still holds merit for its design elements) offers bits of this if A then X mentality. With the selection of quests, which result in accumulation of renown (either positive or negative 'points). That renown ultimately shapes the relationship of the characters in Albion (Fable's fictional world). The very nature of Fable, (and where the game ultimately fails) indicates the desire to tell a story through its open-ended-ness, but from a design standpoint the onus of the narrator is being shifted, not from the game itself, but rather to the player of the game. The player would've ultimately been the narrator of the 'Fable' had that ambitious element suceeded. Another example of this would be the notion of punitive character death in Fire Emblem for the GBA. link: Editor Greg Kasavin talks about the use of character death as a design element here. Now what all of this is doing is shifting the narrative from a mono-directional experience to a dual-directional experience. That interactivity, that play, that ludological experience is beginning to shape narrative. Now this is obviously in its fetal phases. "Emergent" games like GTA3 don't tell stories based on what the player-character does that does not tie into the storyline. And Fire Emblem's punitive character death system ultimately doesn't change the story too deeply, but these games are a jumping-off point. A point where narrative in video games will be shaped by the users in addition to being shaped by the developers. It will ultimately strengthen that relationship between developer and player. Talk about didactic. Hopefully we can continue this discussion. LM Smith ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stephen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 11:25:05 PM I love the reference to Northrop Frye, as I know you are a UofT graduate. A Vic student too, perhaps? I think one of the reasons that games make you trek across a virtual world over and over is the addictive value in this work. Think about the Sims. Why is it that something that replicates the real world so well that you end up spending a good deal of time every day cleaning up the mess you left in the kitchen and going to the washroom is soo addictive? Why would something so trivial be so fun, given our need for low work-to-fun ratios? As a psychology/neuroscience student, I think it's because of the payoff schedule associated with these mondane gaming details. If all of the components of a problem I hadn't solved 1000 times already I could just teleport to, would it be as rewarding to solve? By spreading the time out, and the level of work required, the reward value becomes greater; and as we know from gambling, when we spread out the rewards over time, with the possibility of the next reward being just around the corner, the next pull of the handle (or the next 5 hours of gaming) seems like so much more fun than just handing the deed of your house to the doorman at the casino. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Clive EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 12:40:35 AM Stephen, yes, that's an excellent point about the payoff schedule on difficult or arduous tasks. That's definitely why I feel so triumphant after doing well in a game that is kicking my ass! And by the way, yes, I did go to Victoria College at the University of Toronto, and in fact took Northrop Frye's course on the mythological framework of western civilization. Heather, great point about performance: I think that improv and interactive theater have a *lot* to tell us about what makes a role-playing or immersive-world game powerful and interesting. L.M., this latter point is sort of what I'm getting at when I urge people to stop trying to use narrative as a way to understand games. I simply don't think narrative -- as it's traditionally defined -- applies. On the other hand, an interactive environment like an evening of improv might have a lot more to tell us! Rather than trying to take the theory of narrative or film and use them to understand games, we ought to be looking further afield to entire other areas of theory: Architecture, drama, city planning, sports, economic game theory, psychology, mythology. All of these fields, and many others, are infinitely more useful at explaining why we play games -- and, perhaps more importantly, why game-makers create them. Let me hammer that latter point home more directly: I do not think any successful game designer sits down and intends to tell a story. If they honestly wanted to do that, they'd shoot a movie or write a play or a novel, places where stories are most suitably told. No, they want to create a *game*, and designing a successful game requires an enormous bouquet of skills, of which "telling a story" is either a rather minor one, and sometimes a completely irrelevant one. You quite fairly point out that my definition of narrative is pretty narrow -- and you're right, it is -- and you suggest that we need a broader definition of narrative. So let me ask: How precisely do you define narrative? What *is* narrative? My chief concern with narrativologists in the area of video game is that they seem to interpret "a bunch of things happening to a character" as narrative. And I really don't think that's a good definition. It certainly isn't a *useful* definition, from a game design standpoint, because it's incredibly vague. Games have a) wonderfully rich characters we identify with; b) have worlds that are persisent and evolving, yes; c) quests with goals, yes. But is the mere presence of these things "narrative"? Again, I'd say "no". It's just as easy -- and from a design standpoint, potentially far more useful -- to think about each of these domains as being about visual design, psychology, the mechanics of body language, symbology, artificial intelligence (a few areas that directly apply to creating a believable character), city planning, network theory, environmental studies, architecture (areas that directly apply to creating a good world), or ludology, economic game theory, philosophy and psychology (areas that are crucial to think about when constructing the goals and "purpose" of the game). Narrative, in the sense of providing a backstory for the game, fits into each of these slots, too. But once the game is up and running, theories of narrative have really nothing to tell us about why the person is playing the game or what their experience is like. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: elvenmagic EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 05:35:17 PM Another excellent book on this topic: Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace by Janet H. Murray Amazon ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: elvenmagic EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/04/2004 05:49:45 PM Another excellent book on this topic: Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace by Janet H. Murray Amazon ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: L.M. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 04:54:21 PM Clive: First, on the game designers -- I think that there are indeed game designers who choose to tell stories through games. Ultimately, games like Final Fantasies VII and forward (with the exceptions of Tactics and XI) are games driven by narrative and story. Though instead of the narrative unfolding as though it would were it a film, these narratives unfold and are revealed to the user when set tasks are completed. Whether it's finding out about Seymour or Sin in FFX (an above poster's favorite game) when the user completes task X, they learn story element A. Et cetera. Now this seems like narrative interaction in both of our respective opinions. One could splice together the clips of FFX and have a short film, or perform similar feats with Kojima's Metal Gear games, splicing Codec sequences in with action sequences and recutting it together to show it as a movie -- yet, you are right, were Kojima-san interested in making moves he likely would/could. So why are these stories being told as games, rather than films, books on tape, books, whatever? I would guess that it is somehow related to immersion in other worlds. The experiences these games offer effectively sucks the player into Midgar (were it FF7) or the alaskan tundra (be it Metal Gear Solid) . This immersion factor is critical in the element of narrative I am talking about. Narrative is simply put, a story that is being told. The nature of that storytelling is not so clearly defineable. Whether it is a story around a campfire or the relaying of deeds committed in Fable by a bard, these are forms of narrative. Now, I am not a narrativologist, nor a ludist. I would guess I would fall somewhere in between the two. Games like Super Mario Brothers 3 have no narrative really built into the game play -- no one would really argue that Mario hopping on a Koopa or a Gomba is going to be much of a story element. Or that in the hopping, there is going to be a story to be told. What I working toward in referencing Fire Emblem, and I suppose I could include The Sims (and 2) is the ability of the game itself to be used as a storytelling medium. Take the Sims blogs that pop up or the new camera angles that are included in Sims 2 where effectively one could screen grab a frame or record one and then write a script to accompany it. Aburptly, I realized that I am suggesting that the game itself is justified as narrative because it can be used as a narrative tool, that's not the case. I equate that to saying my keyboard has a story to tell because I am using it to type. I'm being hyperbolic. The stories games tell about fictional worlds have become critically important to the video game as a medium. These stories are essential to the medium. I wish that I had a more precise definition of narrative than the blase 'storytelling' I offered earlier, but I think that with games and new media in general these 'old' words are going to take on new meanings and find new applicability across the medium. Clearly I have to continue thinking and reading about all of this. You make an excellent point when mention architecture in the original post, as well as incorporating the smaller elements of design, 'mechanics of body language' with some of the larger elements of the design side 'visual design' and 'artificial intelligence.' All of these aid to the creation of the game and the stronger these and the other mentioned elements are, the deeper the player immersion will be. Which transitions nicely to the psychological elements of playing games and perhaps why people play these games and why developers are making these games. If a dev like Kojima isn't creating Metal Gear to tell a story, what is he creating it for? Itagaki is on record saying he wants Ninja Gaiden to be the greatest action game ever, and Bungie has to have some impelling force spurring them along with the now-finished Halo 2. And moreover what is it that is prompting us the gamer to play? Or are the reasons to widespread to make a single declaration? Hypotheses, perhaps? Best, LMSmith PS Previous poster, thx for the book rec. I'll add it to my list. Clearly I need to read more on all of this :0) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Janee EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 09:04:38 PM Gamemakers Do Want to Tell Stories. Jordan Mechner, the creator of Prince of Persia, has said that when he began working on POP, it wasn't to create a video game. It was to create an interactive movie. And most importantly, to tell a story. He was a college student with a minimal budget, creating the game on his computer was the best means for the job. It allowed him to create a story where the user was told it through the game play. So, it did become a video game out of necessity. Jordan worked on a couple more of the POP series games, but left to work on a film in france. Filmmaking was always his love from the start. The team who created Sands of Time actually got the reluctant to-work-on-games Jordan back on the team to write the game's story. "Jordan began as a creative consultant, working with the team to make this game an artistic and critical success. He ended up writing the script, directing all of the dialogue, and actually moved to Montreal for several months to work with the team on a daily basis. He became an integral member of the team, and brought an incredible amount of experience and knowledge to the table -- his strength as a designer and a filmmaker is telling a story within the game itself, not just in the cutscenes, and he was instrumental in helping us create a game in which everything is intertwined. The story drives the gameplay and the gameplay drives the story, so players become completely immersed in every aspect of the experience." Read the whole story here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: glory EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 02:52:02 AM lev manovich and chris crawford have written a lot about the relationship between database and narrative :D ("Database as a Symbolic Form," 1998) (didasm galore!) i kinda think it's like the anecdote vs. the statistic. one is being able to relate an experience, the other is the visceral feel of being able to "roll the bones" -- as your friend at culture raven might say. so like in baseball for instance, there's playing (being at bat, throwing someone out etc.) and playing along (following player stats, engaging in subjunctive what-ifs etc.) anecdote lends itself to exploit. statistic lends itself to analysis. narrative. database. they're both about being "up against the odds," just that narrative is context sensitive as witnessed and instructional in the choices made and the consequences thereof thru identification. database opens up the possibility space -- as will wright might say; the context, or at least the permutations thereof, are near endless. database, by allowing nonmonotonic reasoning, is more about the game behind the game, the art of stacking the deck as it were. so within database, it's easier to implement tight feedback loops (interactivity), which introduces elements of nonlinearity that narrative has a hard time dealing with; it's too 'meta' in the house of mirrors. it's easier to identify with a narrative tho, hence its extensive use of characterization, archetypes (cf. joseph campbell) and, indeed, language... which is why choose-your-own-adventure books never took off as classical literature :D it's also why fish-out-of-water stories are funny, because it's a database operation on a narrative. like, what if we took an inner-city kid from philly and sent him to live with his hoity-toity relatives in bel-air? but you can only go so far and tinker so much with narrative before it starts getting awkward. like, why does neal stephenson have such a hard time ending his stories? they're brittle because they rely a lot on heuristic memory, which is short-hand for lacking in error correction. that's the beauty and limitation of language; its ambiguity and openness to translation. or as brian greene might say, mathematical thinking isn't the same as exposition (viz. notation); it imposes order of a different nature. wrt RPGs (turn-based or RTS) i think the operative paradigm is the database, because they're time reversible. you can roll back the game and replay it performing operations differently if you don't find the outcome satisfactory in the first place. successful game design emphasizes "world-building" within which many participatory narrative lines might occur. so in the mutability of decision-making, it becomes performance rather than passive spectatorship. however, therein lies a trap. thru clever artifice a skilled author can evoke that elusive transcendence that transports one to empathize with something or someone greater than oneself. a hero is rarely risk-averse, as glassner might say. whereas, within the maze of the database one tends to stay resolutely within one's own sphere, as one makes one's own moves afterall; they're your actions, which may end up just reifying what you already are and perhaps not what you might be truly capable of. like a good coach then, i'd submit the game designer's task is to stretch the player into who they might become. narrative elements, one might say meaning or propaganda, might be part of that training. cheers! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chris Crawford EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/09/2004 12:32:29 PM I think you are too readily accepting the notion that narrative and interactivity are incompatible. Your reasoning boils down to "everything we know about narrative is incompatible with interactivity" -- but overlooks the fact that everything we know about narrative is about non-interactive narrative. It's rather like suggesting that pocket calculators are theoretically impossible because every calculation we have seen prior to pocket calculators was carried out on paper, and since there are an infinite number of possible calculations, and no pocket calculator can provide an infinite amount of paper, pocket calculators must be impossible. I present a thorough debunking of the narrative-versus-interactivity conundrum in my book, Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling. Chris ----- PING: TITLE: Ludology v. Narratology URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Idiotprogrammer DATE: 10/04/2004 02:08:03 PM Clive Thompson on why it is not proper to think of gaming as narratives. I simply don't think narrative -- as it's traditionally defined -- applies. On the other hand, an interactive environment like an evening of improv might have a lot more to ... ----- --------